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Table of Contents for: The Temple of God by Annalee Skarin →


Chapter XV

Seeds are to all outward appearances, dead and seemingly lifeless. The car-loads of wheat that are gathered and sent to the mills give no indication of the embryoed life-germ stored within. Neither do the seeds in the packages of the various types of vegetables and flowers placed in the markets give any indication of such life forces.

The seeds are themselves unaware of the life energy stored within them until they are planted in the damp, warm soil. It is then the outer "shell of self" is opened as they are quickened. This quickening is the commencement of their growth and development. However, they become only fully alive when they have reached up into the outer air and contact the sunlight. It is then the gift of life takes over and they begin to express their own individuality and the purpose for which they were created.

Man is the father of the seed of man. Woman is the mother. At conception the seed is quickened and begins its growth. But that seed does not become a "living soul" until it has breathed the breath of Life. It remains unknown, unnamed, unnumbered and unfulfilled until it partakes of that breath of life and begins its own, individual destiny as a definite identity.

A thought is idle, lifeless and unproductive until it is dropped into the emotions and is quickened by the embrace of the mother. Emotion is the mother of thought. It is within the emotions that the seed is quickened into desire. When such quickening process awakens it to growth, as a throbbing desire, it can then be "imaged in" to the sunlight of the pure Spirit substance and become a living power of fulfillment. It is when it has been brought forth into the enfolding, breathing glory of Spirit that it becomes an actual LIVING reality endowed with power.

It is within that pure sea of Spirit, within man, that a thought-desire must be placed in order that it can truly become alive and fulfill its destiny.

It is most certainly true that the power to quicken and to make alive is contained right within man. Within man is contained the life-giving powers to fulfill any desire, any hope, any ideal and any purpose for which the thought, or even man himself, was created.

God's great creative powers are centered in man. And man can contact them at all times and so fulfill his every need. These great creative powers can be brought forth into active manifestation whenever man awakens to the glory and reality of such divine power. These powers are most definitely real and they cannot fail. These great ineffable powers of creation are the very powers of God and they are held in the very center of man's own being. All the powers of heaven are truly given to abide in man. "It is given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power." These are the very powers of God and they are most assuredly given to abide in man.

So it is that every thought can be quickened into desire and can become alive, by being placed into that inner realm of Spirit, or amalgamated with that Light of Christ which is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world. When the law is understood and used knowingly, all things will be possible, for all desires can be fulfilled. These are the powers of creation and God has shared these powers with man.

Evil, wicked thoughts and desires defile the temple and it will be destroyed. Death is the penalty for using this tree of knowledge for evil. "Every man dies because of his own sins, and not for Adam's transgression . ." His thoughts may not be intentionally evil. His thoughts may be only normal, mortal thought. But mortal thoughts are not exalting and divine. With mortal thinking one remains but a mere mortal and does not experience the great soul awakening, nor does he have the power to contact that Light of Christ within himself. Hence his own glorified pattern of existence remains unfulfilled. All mortal thinking is of the earth and leads to death. With mortal thinking, one's thoughts and his soul remain unawakened, unglorified and unredeemed. For such, it is required that they enter that back door -- of death. It is then that one is slowly, often painfully reinstructed, remolded and gradually corrected. For such as these there is never the joyous rewards and glory as is awaiting those who "overcome."

The path Christ trod is the path of "overcoming". This is the Way He marked, the pattern He laid down for man to follow.

Within the divine Christ Light, which is given to abide in every man, is the power of redemption and the perfect pattern of every individual's glorified fulfillment. As one learns to go within, he will be able to watch himself grow into the divine idea God has for him as he co-operates to bring it forth.

God's power of creation and His plan is perfect. In that great plan there are no errors nor mistakes. Every man was created with a divine destiny to fulfill. No man was pre-designed by God to be a failure. God does not predestine any man to mediocrity else He would not be God. "He causes the rain to fall on the just and the unjust." He loves all His creations and is patiently, and in infinite compassion, awaiting their awakening that they might begin to receive the greater things.

As man begins to understand the great divine powers of creation, and his own part in the plan of the Almighty, he will be able to bring forth his ideas and his ideals that are implanted in his soul. He will know that in fulfilling the glorified pattern of himself, as God planned it in the beginning he is but glorifying God.

God's powers are limitless and inexhaustible. And man is the instrument through which they must operate. And God's ineffable, almost incomprehensible, boundless, dynamic, glorious powers of creation are centered in man. In order to use them, instead of misusing them, it is necessary to believe. One must first believe in God! Believe in His powers! Then man must believe in himself as a divine child of the Eternal Father of creation.

As one begins to comprehend these great, dynamic truths, by contacting that Light of Christ within, he will quite naturally begin to "purify himself, even as Christ is pure." He will discover that giving up his sins is not difficult. For every shred of negative darkness released, the Light of joy increases. And as one continues he must reach the point where he will be filled with Light and comprehend all things.

With man's increased understanding of God and His powers he will become a co-creator with God and his own capacity, as a child of His divine Sire, will increase. Through the contact with the Light of Christ, he will receive faith that will speedily develop into knowing. With this understanding he will reach the point where "Nothing is impossible." He will reach the point of power where he will not only be able to bring forth the glorified, fulfilled pattern of himself, which will contain the power to overcome all things, even death, but he will have power to bring forth his ideals and his hopes and his worthy desires. He will also have the power to receive the fulfilling of all his needs. His every necessity will be provided for. This is the Garden of Eden estate. The Garden of Eden was not just a great fruit orchard. It was a Garden of peace and security and divine plenty where man still had contact with God. It was a time, or place, or condition where evil thinking had not brought forth its ills, its lacks and its destructive results.

As one brings forth the divine Light of Christ, contained right within himself, he will return to that divine estate which is, in reality, a state of consciousness and understanding. When one reaches this point of comprehension, he will understand the powers of God and they will become subjected unto him. "All things will be subjected unto him, both in heaven and on earth; the Life and the Light; the Spirit and the Power!" These are the unfailing, unlimited, eternal promises of Almighty God to every child of earth who will only believe and fulfill the laws concerning them. When one truly believes it is always easy to fulfill. The power to believe is the divine requisite.

As one takes the deep desire, or request of his soul, into the center of his being and holds it out, as a cup to be filled full, it will assuredly be fulfilled. The sacred, divine cup or font of Spirit within takes the shape or form of the thing desired. The thought-desire, as it is taken into that sacred Christ center, becomes the open mold.

It is most difficult to explain anything so completely Spiritual as this inner law of creation. Yet it is as real, even more so, than any mortal, tangible condition, or physical thing. These are the great truths which only the ability to believe can give one the power of comprehension for they are of the Spirit. And only the Spirit of man can fully comprehend the things of the Spirit. Man must begin to be spiritualized in order to understand and use these divinely, glorious powers of God.

The thought that has been quickened into desire, by having been placed in the emotion, can be made alive only as it is placed in that quieted sea or font of Spirit within. That thought-desire is the model that is reflected out. It is the blue print, shall we say. It is the pattern. And, as that thought-desire is held without "wavering", it is received into that spiritual essence and is mirrored out into the universal realm of substance as a perfect design. And the law is that the "Substance of things hoped for" has to fill that mold or pattern.

This is the law of creation as it becomes a power in man's life. It is eternal and almost overwhelmingly powerful as man opens his mind to comprehend. It is a divine law and cannot fail. As one holds his awareness upon that desire it has to take form. This is the eternal law of God. And such desires will have to be brought forth into manifestation in the material realm.

As one fulfills the law of going thus within his own secret closet to pray, God will reward him openly or bring forth his request into tangible, outside reality. This is the law of creating as man becomes a co-creator with God. The "secret closet" is the Holy of Holies in a man's own being. When the world is shut out and he becomes "still and knows that God is God and comprehends, even in a small measure, His ineffable powers, and co-operates in bringing forth, nothing will be impossible. This is "faith made knowing".

This sacred sea of glass, or Spirit, is the "Treasure of Treasures!" It is the divine spot of contact with all the creative powers of God. It is the sea of glass in which one beholds the face of Christ when the gold, or spirit within himself has been purified in the fire. It is where one is also "transformed into that same image, from glory to glory", as he becomes more and more filled with understanding, and co-operative in using the powers of creation to help make a world more perfect and sublime.

In this realm one knows that "Nothing is impossible!" No request is too great to be fulfilled. One comprehends that God is a God of infinite, limitless power and the greater is his own vision the greater will be his desire -- and the more he will please God.

This divine pool of Spirit, as it becomes stilled and purified, is the most precious possession in all existence. It is the center of peace and, as one learns to enter this Holy of Holies within himself, he begins to take on the properties of peace and repose and majesty. It is the place where one receives divine instructions and the powers of his own renewing as he daily learns to go within and "Be Still!"

It is only as one learns to "Be still, and know that I am, God," that he can become acquainted with God and His unspeakable powers. And it is in this great inner stillness that one becomes a co-creator with God as His powers become active in the life of the individual. These dynamic powers of the Almighty can only be comprehended and released through those who have learned to enter that inner stillness, or the Holy of Holies in their own temple. One cannot know God without having His powers become increasingly manifest in his own life.

As one learns of the glory and the value and the pricelessness of a possession so rare and so precious as that divine center of Spirit within, he realizes that without it one is truly poor, wretched, miserable, blind and naked. And though he owns the whole world, yet is he empty and forlorn and desolate as he wanders through life in a lone and dreary world.

These are the great and marvelous things that have been hidden up because of unbelief, which has caused such great wickedness and gross darkness as has engulfed this dreary little world. Of all the worlds that God has created, this one is the most wicked. The inhabitants of this earth have more persistently rejected His Light and have more determinedly set their minds upon the things of the flesh, as each has reached out to hold the world in his hands. Every man's desires have been for the empty, meaningless things -- that perish.

When one begins to comprehend the powers of creation he must be sure that his desire, as he takes it into that divine center, is the true desire of the soul. If one takes the flimsy wishes of his own mind, or the requests of his lips into this holy center of fulfillment, they will be reflected out from a pool that is disturbed and unpurified and will not be glorified, nor made perfect. The desires of the mind or lips are usually physical and transitory and of the little mortal "self." These lesser needs will automatically be fulfilled after one has first brought forth those great creative forces in the perfecting of himself and in the fulfilling of his own divine calling.

Those who concentrate on using these laws of creation to attain some earthly desire, or status, or to fulfill their mediocre, physical cravings will never reach their highest destiny of divine power. They will but reach the lesser power of turning the stones into bread for their own personal satisfaction. Those who are willing to use His powers thus can never go beyond this point. The earth and its claim will hold them bound. Almost every individual who reaches this point of power fails to go beyond simply because he is satisfied to stop here. And his progress ends because he is content to receive the inferior compensation for his efforts in physical comforts and earthly gains.

To fulfill all things one must first use the divine law of creation to perfect himself and to complete his own pattern of glory as God planned it in the beginning. Then all things will be added unto him, even the power to multiply the loaves and fishes and to supply all his needs. God knows that one has need of food and drink and clothing. And after he has reached that kingdom of heaven within, all these things will be provided.

It is therefore the deep desire of the soul that one must first concentrate on and begin to comprehend and fulfill. It is the desire of the soul that will lead one to his own great destiny. As one learns to listen to the inside yearning of his own soul, so that his thoughts hold it in his conscious awareness, he will be able to place it within the Light of that divine Spirit of Almighty God, centered within, for complete fulfillment -- and the Father within will do the works or work it out.

It is the conscious awareness of the mind that has the ability to take the quickened seed of its desire and hold it within the glow of the fulfilling, life-giving powers of the Spirit of God. Just holding a thought in the mind, or thinking about it does not fulfill it. A thought, or ideal, or desire must be placed within that Light of divine power of creation in order to be fulfilled. It must be held within that inner realm of Spirit, or within the glow of the Christ Light, in order to partake of the divine breath of Life and be fulfilled. The mind, or conscious awareness, must hold the desire in that divine center, or cup of Spirit in order for it to take on the properties of life and be brought forth into tangible reality.

After one has finally found that Light, or Kingdom of Heaven, within and comprehends It, he will become aware of his own great destiny in that kingdom of Light and power. In first fulfilling himself, or his own pattern, he will be prepared to have all things added. All his needs will be provided for. This is the Edenic estate and is awaiting the man of this generation. It is time for man's return to this higher status of existence.

If one is completely unaware of any great soul desire, or special destiny, or calling, then he has but to learn to "Be Still" and he will fulfill the laws of righteousness as he seeks to bring forth that Divine Light of Christ within. This Light of Christ is the power which brings forth every noble idea and desire and hope and aspiration -- for It is LIFE.

In using the divine powers of creation and bringing forth, the following must be comprehended: "Let patience have her perfect work, that ye might be perfect and entire, wanting nothing," of the complete fulfilling. As one waits in patience (not impatience), for the final result of this divine process of bringing forth, he will be cleansed and purified and will automatically be prepared to receive all things.

"If any of you lack wisdom", or anything for that matter, "Let him ask of God, who giveth to all men liberally, and upbraideth not, and it shall be given him. But let him ask in faith, nothing wavering; for he who wavereth is like a wave of the sea, driven by the wind and tossed. Let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord."

In the foregoing, James gave the perfect law and a glimpse of the sea of Spirit, which must be stilled, or quieted, in order to make it possible to bring forth the perfected idea.

As one learns to comprehend the true desire of his soul and fulfill the laws of the Lord he will begin to contact his own great destiny. Then in faith, as he holds the request alive and active in his consciousness, or as he turns his consciousness ever inward to that spiritual center or sea of purified, concentrated Spirit in which all true desires must be planted, they must be fulfilled. As one holds his desire there, by his power of imagination, or ability to "image in", the law is that it must be brought forth completed when the individual is prepared to receive it.

The cupped hand, held open is but the symbol of this great inner reality of man holding himself open to receive the fulfilling of himself, or himself filled full with the Light of Christ and its divine powers of perfecting. One must learn to yield himself to the Spirit and Its directing. He must yield his will and his consuming desires to the Light of Christ and the powers of His creative, fulfilling laws. He must yield up his own strident thinking, his preconceived, narrowed, unproductive, dead ideas and live as directed from within in order to know fully the things of God and to use the powers of His creating.

"Nothing is impossible to him who believes!" "Nothing is impossible to him" who understands. "Nothing is impossible to him" who does not reject the Light of Christ which has been given to abide in him. And the very first work of this divine Christ Light is to redeem the individual from his condemnation, sins, weaknesses, errors and mistakes and give him power to "overcome", them to fulfill all things.

None can fully understand these things of the Spirit except those who are willing to yield themselves to the powers of the Light of Christ. In yielding, the "self" is overcome and one becomes an open vessel in the hands of the Almighty. His very life becomes sanctified and directed as the Christ begins to do the works. It is then one begins to comprehend all things, even the wonders of eternity and the dynamic, unspeakable powers of Almighty God. He will learn of the yearning, healing, forgiving, fulfilling love of the Light of Christ, which has been given to abide in him -- and will no longer reject that Light.

One must begin to comprehend that God is a God of infinite power! He must know that He is also a God of miracles! And God only ceases to do miracles among the children of men when they shut Him out by their gross darkness of unbelief.

God's powers have been completely incomprehensible to man because man has failed to lift his eyes to the height of God and to the Light of His power. Man has tried always to bring God down to his own meager, mortal level, instead of lifting himself to the Light of God. Instead of having "eyes single to the glory of God", man's eyes have been single to his own miserable weaknesses and complete impotence of mortal lack. Because of his restricted, mortal vision, man has shut out the God of power and love, the Almighty Fulfiller of promises. Man, in his blindness of unbelief, has failed utterly to fulfill the laws of Christ which hold the powers of divine knowing. One cannot possibly know until he is ready and willing to live the laws Christ gave.

Man has placed his efforts and his allegiance in his belief in outside conformity, forgetting that the pure, undefiled religion demands the fulfilling of the great law of love in which one visits the needy and destitute, not as a miserable, unwelcome, distasteful duty but as a divine privilege.

One has but to live the laws Christ gave to know. One has but to contact that divine Light of Christ within himself to be able to DO. These are His unfailing promises to all men.

There are a few special closing thoughts that must be included in this record in order to complete it.

Several years ago I listened to a couple concentrating their every effort and thought on what they termed, "Getting ahead" as they discussed ways and means of making more money. At the time I asked myself, "What are they trying to get ahead of"?

When all one's thoughts are turned to making and getting money, when there is an overwhelming absorption in finances, then have "The money changers been permitted to take over the temple" of one's being. "The thieves" are the nasty, little, unworthy thoughts, the hates and fears and worries, yes, all the defiling thoughts that dominate the temple with their gross unwholesomeness. Both the "money changers" and the "thieves", when permitted to take over, have the power to bind the Lord of the temple as they complete their defiling process that will bring its own destruction for all such temples will be destroyed -- by death. It is the force and power of these unholy thoughts that have bound the Light of Christ and sealed it in the tomb of man's flesh.

The Light of Christ alone can heal the hurts, the evils and hates. It alone can heal every heartache, every ill, every shred of loneliness and restore the mental, physical and spiritual properties of men to their sublime, vibrant perfection of eternal youth. It alone contains all the power and the fulness of abundance -- and of all things. It alone can glorify the temple of the Living God.

In the following admonition, contained in the book of Revelations, is revealed just a small glimpse of the power of this divine Christ Light. "I counsel thee to buy of me gold tried in the fire, that thou mayest be rich; and white raiment that thou mayest be clothed, that the shame of thy nakedness do not appear." The white raiment spoken of is the Light of Christ which alone has the power to hide the shame of man's complete nakedness. One buys this divine gift by giving the little "mortal self" in payment. This little, petty self is poor pay indeed for apparel so glorious, for this clothing is the clothing of Light.

This divine Light of Christ is contained within every man and is brought forth by his belief in It and his acceptance of It. It is man's to use as the ills of his life are straightened out and the mistakes and errors corrected. It is glory unutterable as It brings Its divine work of glorifying him who comprehends It. It is the great TRUTH that will make one free! And he who is free shall be free indeed. It is power ineffable! It is the glory of heaven and of earth, and of all that in them is! It is the very life of the Universe and contains within It the fulness of abundance of all that is good and perfect, desirable and beautiful! It is the fulfilling power of every hope and ambition that is worthy of its touch! It is the glory of existence and contains all the powers of creation and of bringing forth! It is love, even the love of God, which is made apparent in the lives of the children of men! It is the very power of God that is promised to all those who would only believe and who would fulfill the laws! And this divine Light, and glory and infinite power is man's to use!

These are the powers of the Light of Christ as it is permitted to fill the temple of man's being -- for man is Its dwelling place.

This record contains the complete map to the "Road to Zion" or to the "Purification of the heart". "And an highway shall be there, and a way, and it shall be called the Way of Holiness; The unclean shall not pass over it; but it shall be for those: The wayfaring men, though fools shall not err therein" (Isa. 35:8). Only those whose hearts are completely purified will ever be able to reach the exalted "Zion" or condition in which they can behold the face of God, as has been promised from the beginning. This "Road of Holiness" is the inward path of complete purification. It is the path of the Light of Christ as one learns to follow it. It is the "Pathway of Glory!" And a fool need not err therein, though the wicked can never cross over it.

And now it is required that man "Prove all things!" The day for disproving the glory of God is passed and those who hold to the old paths of darkness shall be destroyed. It is now time to prove His words by living His laws of Holiness. It is time to believe in His promises and to begin to live for them. It is time to accept the "Light of Christ, which is given to abide in every man who cometh into the world." When it is no longer rejected, Its powers will become manifested in the life of every man who accepts It. He will no longer need to weakly testify that he believes in Jesus Christ, as the Redeemer of the world. His very powers will bear witness of his belief and of his redemption.

"All that the Father has, is yours!" His powers of creation are yours to use. His powers of fulfilling and bringing forth are also yours. And truly, "Nothing is impossible!" Lift your eyes to the glory of God! Let your eyes become single to His glory and His power and His might and those very powers will begin to be made manifest through you. If your eyes are single to His glory they will be able to behold nothing less.

These things I have been commanded to write at the present time. May they be a blessing to you forever, to you who can believe. And God be with you until we are permitted to meet in person, if so be you live these higher teachings, which are His laws.

In the Unspeakable Name of Jesus Christ, I leave my blessing upon this work and upon all who read it with an understanding heart. So be it! Amen!

