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Chapter XX

Ten virgins will come forth to meet me and five of them will have oil in their lamps and five of them will not. And those who have the empty lamps will beseech those with oil to share their supply. And they will not, for they cannot.

The oil is my Spirit within, and none can give It to another. Neither can one syphon it from his associated no matter how much oil they have, or how brilliant their light is. That holy oil is my Spirit as it is permitted to glow through to bless and give one the power to let his light shine. And it must come forth from within.

This holy oil is supplied according to the need, even as in the case of the widow and her sons. It can flow forever as you require it to shed forth the light burning in your own hearts. It is always supplied according to your needs if you will but open up your hearts and souls, through love and gratitude, to permit it to circulate and come forth in its life-giving power.

This light, which you are commanded to let shine forth, IS your anointing of light. Oil is the anointing fluid of God. Receive the oil of my Spirit and you shall be crowned with light, according to your degree of intelligence or awareness to use it.

When all light is withdrawn naught but darkness remains. Darkness is a lack of light. Withdraw the light, or let it go out, even temporarily through negative thinking, and you will be in darkness, darkness of mind and body and soul.

Withdraw all heat and only the cold remains.

To you, dearly beloved, is given the power to comprehend all things that you might know that the choice belongs to no other but yourselves.

"Despair cometh because of iniquity." It comes because you have not kept your awareness of the Light, or of the Spirit, and have permitted the flow of oil to cease. It is within your power to fill your lamps and to keep them burning, for the time is at hand, "for behold, the Bridegroom cometh."

As you hold your awareness of my power so shall you have my oil ever flowing forth in its holy, anointing power within you. This "awareness" is what is meant by the admonition "To turn to me in every thought." As you learn to hold your conscious awareness upon my Holy Spirit you shall be anointed with the flame of the Spirit of Almighty God, our Father.

Whenever you permit fears or darkness to assail you, you must comprehend that it is because you are permitting your light to die down. You are shutting off the flow of that holy oil of my Spirit and you must, in that instant of realization, turn to me in complete love and trust, for only I can renew it.

Love, with its singing gratitude and thanksgiving, will keep the oil flowing until you actually become the Light.

To keep that holy oil flowing is the work which you must do. It is the work which I did. Whatsoever I did you can, and must, do also. Even greater works than I did, can you do.

The first work to be accomplished by you is the redemption of yourselves from your own darkness, from your fears and errors and mistakes and all negatives. Your first work is to prepare yourselves to be bearers of the Light of my Spirit by a complete purification of yourselves. It is accomplished by overcoming the darkness within you. When the darkness has been overcome then you may be sure that the Light within will begin to shine forth so that others, seeing your good works, will also begin to glorify God by bringing forth that divine Light within themselves.

It is not by words that one most glorifies God. It is by becoming vessels of Light, through which His Spirit might flow out in loving compassion to bless and heal a world of its hates and fears and its darkness. This is the great healing that is required. These are the greater works of which I spoke. The individual, physical healings are not the greater works. The greater works is to let your light so shine that others may so desire that light within themselves that they will open up their hearts to the pure inflow of my anointing oil and the flame of the Spirit of God, our Father. Then will their own healing come. Thus all will be healed, and all will have the power to do the works which I did.

Your calling and election is not made sure until you have made that divine Light of Christ a permanent factor in your lives. Then you will have overcome the jealousies, the fears, the darkness and all negatives. When all these have been overcome by you, by becoming vessels of Light, then will the last enemy fall. And death is the last enemy to be overcome in your lives. And it is you who must overcome it.

Come, my beloved, and do the works which I did, and know that my yoke is easy and my burden is Light. Yea, take upon you My Name, for My Name is power, even the power of eternal Light.

Know that, as I walked upon the Sea of Galilee that I looked up and saw only the power of God. In my heart was naught but a song of praise and love and gratitude, held in complete trust. I did not see the water, nor the storm. Peter looked into the actual conditions of his physical surroundings and began to sink beneath those conditions. Peter saw only the physical. I saw only the Spiritual. The condition for both of us was exactly the same. Peter had the same powers I had but was not aware of it. They were his to use, even as they were mine to use, and as they are yours.

Beloved, if your troubles and storms have turned into a tempest that threatens your destruction, know that I ride upon the storm, and so can you ride upon the storm, above it, and beyond it, if you will only lift your consciousness above the waves and the turmoil, to Me.

Open up your souls that I may tell you how it is done.

There are two kinds of gratitude. One is of the mind and deals with the ordinary gifts of the flesh. This gratitude is the appreciation of the tangible gifts. It is for food, shelter, clothing, friends and all physical and financial blessings and deals with the ordinary comforts and necessities of everyday living. It is of the earth.

The other gratitude is of the soul and swings far out beyond the tangible earthly conditions and circumstances. This gratitude is the great song of ecstasy singing in the soul. It is not hampered nor measured by details. It includes all things. When one has this he is truly thankful in all things. This is the gratitude Paul admonished you to develop when he asked you to thank God in the Spirit when you received blessings.

This gratitude is "The thankfulness that will make you glorious and multiply the blessings of earth an hundred-fold yea, more." This is the great Spiritual gratitude Christine Mercie was using when she was lifted from her little bug infested room of depravement and depression into contact with My Spirit. Her's was a gratitude that completely overcame the condition, and it was changed.

This is the gratitude that is so filled with love it can "Come up over" any condition in existence. All adverse conditions and circumstances crumble before it. It is the gratitude that can glorify God in a crust of bread, in pain, in prison. This is the great Spiritual outpouring, from within man that crumbled prison walls in times past. It has opened prison doors and released iron shackles. In this glorifying gratitude the crust is changed to a banquet table with God; the pain is transmuted to an anointing of divine benediction that holds the power of complete healing.

This is the power of Almighty God, our Father, in action in your lives. This is your power of overcoming, or coming up over all things. This is your holy anointing as you learn to hold to it. This power is always yours to use.

This divine, spiritual gratitude is a vibration which contacts the very throne of God and releases all the powers of the Almighty. This vibration is the contact with the oil of my Spirit, and the Holy flame of the Spirit of Almighty God. This vibration of glory is the power by which all things are overcome. This divine, glorious vibration of praise and rejoicing and thanks is My Name, My Great Unspeakable Name, which you are invited to take upon you. It is your own Anointing of Light. Always hold it in your consciousness, or be ever aware of it, and My Spirit will always be with you and your lamps will be filled. Thus your calling and election will be made sure and you shall place all things under your feet as you overcome all things. Lift your consciousness above the storm and the tempest and the sea of impossible conditions and by your gratitude of soul and singing, inner praise you shall walk above the sea, above the distress, above the overwhelming waves and the wind. This is how you walk with me. I am above the storm, above the distress, above every pain, above your poverty and heartbreaks and tears.

You need no longer linger in these conditions of ill and anguish. Lift up your eyes to me. Lift them above the story. Lift them to the very throne of God, and you shall ride upon the storm, for it is given to you to be able to "come over" it through your loving gratitude and singing song of ecstasy. This great vibration is My Holy Name and it is my Holy Oil of Anointing upon you. Amen.

And so that you may be left without excuse I now give you the three tests by which you may know the truth of my Words.

First: ask of me, with a sincere heart, whether this is of God or not, and He will reveal the truth of it unto you by the power of the Holy Ghost. And thus you may know the truth of all things. But be careful that after such witness is borne to you and testifies to your soul, and brings peace to your heart, by the power of the Holy Ghost, lest you return to your doubting, and thus be found to sin against this Divine Witness, even the Holy Ghost, which sin cannot be forgiven.

Second: Live the teachings and you will KNOW whether they be of God, or whether they be of man.

Third: This is the test that cannot fail, nor can a fool err therein, nor be deceived, for it is as plain to discern as it is to discern the light of noonday from the darkness of night. "Anything that enticeth a man to serve and love God, and to pray, IS OF GOD."

So be it, for I have spoken. Let none mock my words for they are true and faithful.

Yea, I am Jesus Christ, the Beginning and the End, the Alpha and Omega, the great Amen.