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Table of Contents: The Book of Books by Annalee Skarin

Chapter XXI

The Magic Switch or Button

These chapters on FAITH contain the information I have waited so very long to share. This privilege of comprehending and revealing the dynamic wonder of FAITH was what I so intensely desired when I began my search so long ago. I would never have put so much effort into anything that involved just myself, but it was the years of the great depression and suffering and want and poverty was filling the land. The very misery I beheld filled me with the almost overwhelming desire to KNOW what FAITH IS and how it works, so that mankind could be lifted from the dregs of poverty and want and fear into the peace and plenty which I felt God had planned for His children.

The intensity of my desire to comprehend FAITH FULLY increased as I continued with my search. I spent almost every spare moment of my life in prayer. I carried the prayer with me. I slept with it. I lived with it. It was silent and those who associated with me were unaware of the burning request I held within my heart. I had to KNOW what FAITH IS and how it could be used to conquer the ills and the distresses and the wants of life and supply all the needs for those who desired to use its fabulous powers.

I realized from the beginning that FAITH was not just a word. It was a power that could be used by turning on a switch. And I had believed from childhood that scientists would harness FAITH, LIKE ELECTRICITY, at some future date. Then we would be able to turn a switch and use the breathtaking potentiality of its divine power to accomplish the needed things of life. It would be, I thought, like turning on the giant turbines with their full force of action. Or, at least, it would be like turning on the electric button in one's home to release the limitless energy needed for the appliances one possessed as they were used to fulfill the individual assignments required in order to employ fully the purpose of their fashioning. But mostly that switch would be used to turn on the light of understanding that one would not need to abide in darkness. FAITH is the generator of LIGHT!

AND IT IS SO! For LIGHT generated by FAITH contains all power.

FAITH is the greatest power in existence. It can, when used with knowledge and skill remove mountains, raise the dead and perform all the necessary tasks that go beyond the physical manipulating of man's frail, physical hands.

FAITH is truly a power that can be used just by turning on the magic switch or button. And each man has the full equipment with which to operate that switch and use the unspeakable power to its fullest extent. FAITH is the generative force of LIGHT itself.

The method is so very easy and oh, so simple. There are no great complicated, intricate pieces of machinery to learn about or master. Man himself is the instrument and within him is the magic switch. It IS as simple as turning on the electric button to light one's own living room. And it is a very part of man himself. That divine switch is an intricate part of man's own being. It is Intelligence in action. This power and this switch is within his reach always and everywhere. Man totes it with him as he carries himself around upon his individual assignments of daily living. But few have ever learned to use it, or even dream of its existence and its priceless value.

It is true that "perfect love casts out all fear!" This fact has been proved beyond all question or controversy. And it can be proved anew by anyone upon this earth at any time. All one has to do is to perfect the gift of LOVE and he will KNOW for himself.

And as "Perfect love casts out all fear" so can FAITH banish all darkness and conquer every evil and fulfill all things. FAITH can achieve all things! It can not only feed a multitude it can perform all the miracles of perfect living and divine accomplishment.

FAITH, shall we say, is but an attitude of mind. FAITH is composed of the highest vibrations released from a human being when FAITH is fully clothed in LIGHT. Faith endowed Light is a singing glory of perfect assurance and fulfilment. FAITH in action is LIGHT held forth on its highest level of anticipation as doubts are banished and the evil of darkness is dispelled. FAITH carries with it that quality of expectancy, like an open vessel knowing it will be filled as it is dipped into the flowing stream of supply.

FAITH is power! Dynamic! Limitless! Creative Power! FAITH is the exerted energy of thought and feeling as it generates LIGHT. It goes beyond thought, or rather carries thought with it into the true realm of divine reality. The higher realm or sphere or domain is that in which the material of dreams is fashioned and spun from the very element of LIGHT into the perfect fabric of fulfilment as it becomes embodied in tangible, material form. FAITH is the living soul of LIGHT where all the creative substance of existence lies "waiting to become" as it is called forth from that realm of primal purity. FAITH and LIGHT compose the realm or region of all that can be. It is where the vibrations of thought form and fashions this divine primal substance into the desires held forth within the soul of man.

Thought builds bridges of the LIGHT across the deepest chasms and FAITH generates the LIGHT into atoms and substance and fulfilment. Thought can scale the highest mountains in existence, whether material, mental or spiritual as FAITH IS generated into action. Thought constructs skyscrapers from the element of LIGHT, to caress the very clouds. And with its powers in action men are transported across space to walk upon the moon while all the world stands by to view the breathtaking wonder of it. LIGHT generated by FAITH is the very material which can construct highways to the stars in the not too far future. And those very stars themselves were created and formed from the substance of LIGHT, activated by FAITH as thoughts formed the pattern of fulfilling.


FAITH is not only the substance, or material, or essence of THINGS HOPED FOR -- FAITH IS THINGS HOPED FOR as it generates the LIGHT or the Idea into tangible formation. FAITH manipulates the idea, the dream, the desire, the very HOPE itself for it is the embodiment of the Faith engendered Light.

One of the greatest attributes that God has shared with man is the ability to dream, to hope and to aspire. And man, in this sphere of action, is the creator of his dreams. Man was brought forth with this divine attribute of God established within his very soul so that he could "bring forth" or "create" that for which he truly yearns. "For all that the Father has is yours!" Man was created with a mind with which to dream, to hope, to fashion and so to fulfill that for which his hungering soul yearns.

This realm of HOPE is beyond the mere threshold of fleeting aspirations. And even wishing is merely the immature pastime of make-believe. It is the child's inadequate state of momentarily pretending. But it is the fleeting caress of a fragile wish that can enfold the illusive pattern of a dream, when taken hold of. And a dream, when nourished, matures into a desire. And desires evolve into HOPES -- and HOPES which are the idea or the Light of Spiritual forming beginning to evolve into reality. And so the sperm becomes the embryonic idea beginning its own term of maturing and of growth and fulfilment.

HOPE is a living, vibrant condition of exercised desire as it lays hold upon the element of LIGHT, permitting FAITH to generate and fashion it according to one's highest vision.

Man has the full equipment and the ability and the power, if he will so use it, to bring any HOPE forth into visible reality as it takes shape in tangible, touchable, substantial existence or material form.

It does take time to fashion and to form these mental pictures into their visible realities just as it requires time for the infant to mature within the mother's womb.

But LIGHT IS GLORY and FAITH is ecstasy in its joy of released power. FAITH fulfills all things! Light envisions them. Together they are the singing power of creation vibrating in a human heart as they fill the pattern or mold held forth for their completion. This is how all things were formed. This is how the primal substance or material of all creating fulfills any given assignment of bringing forth from the universal substance that which will satisfy every good desire. The LIGHT reveals all things and FAITH generates the power to fulfill them.

When FAITH is completed the idea is no longer an intangible hope or a dream or just a righteous desire or an unfulfilled yearning smothered and silenced without recognition or the generated energy to bring it forth. This primal substance of Light engendered by FAITH is God's own special, creative energy and its sublime element of fulfilling and of glorious creating, endowed with the everlasting power to "BECOME!" FAITH holds within its embrace all the fashionings and the creations of the future -- worlds without end -- realm beyond realm -- glory beyond glory! For FAITH also has the power to solidify LIGHT.

And so it is that a FAITH inspired idea, which is LIGHT, cannot fail. It is forever real and powerful and true! Man may fail to make use of so great a substance and its ineffable power. But the realms of Light will always be, awaiting FAITH'S sacred touch to generate it into becoming a reality in tangible existence.

FAITH engendered Light is the glory and the substance and the material of "THINGS HOPED FOR." It embraces the reality of all existence. Within it is the very life essence and spiritual power of all tangible things and manifestations and accomplishments. It is boundless! It is the very glory of existence! It is the creative element of all that is or will be! The LIGHT, when engendered by FAITH is eternal and unfailing and powerful beyond man's finite mind to appreciate.

Yet anyone in existence can dip his fingers into this sublime element of creation and take hold of it and use it to fashion and to form and to bring forth into reality the living, breathtaking wonder of his dreams. He can mold it with his thoughts for it can be controlled by man's own thinking and visioning or deep desiring. Man has the power to fashion and form his dreams and desires and hopes into their tangible, earthly counterparts, if it is for material blessings he is reaching. Or he can take that spiritual perfection of himself and bring it forth into its true, everlasting glory as he is transformed, or "Born of the Spirit!" It is for man to say what he will bring forth.

And it is when one's dreams are dark and hopeless and filled with doubting and despair that he brings forth the elements of God into the fulfilling of his own destruction as he plods his weary, desolate way to the grave.

This primal element of Light when engendered with Faith was intended to be used in its true glory of divine forming for it is the sacred element supreme. And though it is an almost unspeakable, indescribable power or substance it belongs to all alike, without price or bickering or greedy monopolies.

The switch that manipulates this most beautiful power of all creation is just a simple little lever. It is waiting but the touch of thought to put it into operation. It has been beyond all previously conceived ideas simply because man has not used his mind to investigate its inexpressible powers and true reality. It has lain dormant like the Promises of Jesus Christ simply because none have been willing to LIVE the laws in order to PROVE THEM and thereby use their power.

This tiny switch or magic button is located within the mind of man and can be used by him at all times if so be he becomes willing to exert himself to the point of testing. It is always available and at hand.

This miraculous switch, when used, has the full power to turn one's mind from darkness and doubting into the exalted realm of hope and joyous anticipation as LIGHT is generated and brought forth to light up one's understanding and banish the darkness of despair. To turn that magic switch one has but to take hold of his own thinking apparatus as he controls the caliber of his thoughts. This right and this power belongs to all men. And the power of its operating is but the awakening of desire and the exerted power to believe strongly enough to put it to the test.

As this God-given ability to choose one's thoughts is used, one will have gained access to the very doors of the KINGDOM which will be opened to all who will only "KNOCK!" "For unto all who knock, it shall be opened!" This is one of the great PROMISES of God, sealed by the most sacred Covenant of the Almighty!

As that switch is mastered and used all darkness can be instantly banished. It can be dissolved as thoroughly and completely as the conquering of the darkness in a room when the light is turned on. It works exactly the same and is as absolutely consistent in its perfection. LIGHT conquers and eliminates the darkness even as "Love casts out all fear!" And FAITH manipulates the magic switch.

This great primal substance of Light fills one's mind with understanding and knowledge, revealing the things that were not apparent before. It is the glory and the reality of illuminated thought as the evils of life stand forth as beautiful opportunities for one's own progress. And thus are they transformed into blessing: "For all things work together for good to those who love God!" So it is that the darkness is dissolved and the evils of doubting are conquered by the glory of the Light. And it is the privilege and within the power of every man to lay hold of the very element of creation and to fashion it into the glorified desires of his heart.

It is as the light reveals the ideas of truth and power to the mind that one begins to create and to bring forth his high hopes and worthy ambitions and holy desires into their dynamic, glamorous fruition and fulfilment as FAITH materializes them into reality. Thus FAITH itself evolves and becomes KNOWLEDGE, AND KNOWLEDGE IS POWER.

This is how the darkness within oneself is OVERCOME FIRST. And the mud becomes fertile soil and the terrifying shadows of the darkness are revealed as treasures of beauty and joy. And all mankind can begin to stand up in the sunlight of the great reality and sublime purification.

Those of you who read, and who can take hold of these great truths were ordained and prepared for this work before ever the world was formed. And "Your NAMES were written in that sacred, holy Lamb's Book of Life before the foundations of the earth were laid."

And as FAITH is used to activate the LIGHT man himself emerges from the caterpillar state of his mortal existence as surely as a butterfly takes wings to soar above the drab, dull earth.

Man again becomes divine as he learns to open up those hidden realms of Light right within himself, or as "he fills himself with light." Man has the power to switch on the full comprehensible, revealing glory of TRUTH and LIGHT and FAITH and can actually become them.

LIGHT has within it the very qualities of its own perfection as it is accepted for LIGHT enfolds and contains the highest ideas possible to conceive. And FAITH, in its purest essence is just the substance or energy or hope, though yet invisible and unformed. But as it is generated and exercised FAITH turns the LIGHT into KNOWLEDGE or the substantial reality of complete KNOWING.

Any individual on this earth can manipulate that magic switch as he turns his own thinking apparatus away from the darkness of his doubting and failures and dismaying negations into the realm of dynamic, singing ecstasy of hopeful desiring. This IS Light as it becomes activated by FAITH to fulfill the measure of itself and of man's dreams, glorified. This is how one fulfills the command to "EXERCISE GREAT AND MIGHTY FAITH!"