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Table of Contents: The Book of Books by Annalee Skarin

Chapter XVII

The Primal Substance of All Existing Things

O God, I need new words to speak the Truths my soul beheld as I stood upon the threshold of Thy Great Storehouse, which holds the primal element of all creation. To reveal the breathtaking wonder of its living reality, its fragile, delicate texture, the sublime essence of its spiritual power of fulfilling requires more humility and love and tender longing than any tongue can express or pen write. Even "A pen dipped in heaven" as my former prayers requested, seems insufficient to transform such dynamic wonders into concrete form or arrange into words of LIVING LIGHT!

And so I plead, dear Lord, for the outflowing power of Thy perfect LOVE, spiritualized to its highest degree of excellence that I might make these, as yet unspoken, and almost unspeakable TRUTHS stand forth revealed in their true, eternal splendor!

I realize that in order to share the marvel of Thy Revealing, that I might take the very chosen of mankind with me into these sacred realms of everlasting power, where thoughts materialize and are brought forth full-formed, I need Your special help.

I need Your help, Almighty Father, to make it manifest that "THOUGHTS ARE THINGS!" Thoughts are the seeds, the very life force which must be used to lay hold upon this divine, ethereal substance of creation as HOPES themselves are fashioned into tangible form out of the purity of primal matter.

Give me, I pray, the ability and the understanding to reveal the fulness of this everlasting element, this divine substance of creation so that all who will only BELIEVE may reach out into the divine region of the, as yet unformed, to fashion and to fulfill the Promise of their own sacred dreams. Grant me the full power to place this profound, most sacred knowledge into words that can be picked up from these pages and be used to unveil the very glory of Thy eternal, breathtaking wonder of CREATION.

Let me hold forth this sacred, primal substance of all existing things that henceforth man can fulfill the measure of his holy heritage and become Thy son.

The first step is with man's own requesting and his needs as he begins to envision or desire beyond his meager, mortal destitution. "Because thou sayest thou art rich and increased with goods and have need of nothing, and knowest not that thou art poor and wretched and miserable and blind and naked --." And so it is that the mere earthly treasures, that moth and rust can corrupt, lose their glamour and their imagined worth as one moves into the divine realm of pure substance.

Matthew chapter six and verses five and six, states: "And when thou prayest thou shalt not be as the hypocrites are: for they love to pray standing in the synagogues and in the corners of the streets, that they may be seen of men. Verily I say unto you, they have their reward.

"But thou, when thou prayest, enter into thy closet and when thou hast shut the door, pray to the Father which is in secret; and thy Father which seeth in secret shall reward thee openly."

That "Secret Closet" is not one's clothes press, as many assume. It is the "Holy of Holies" in a man's own being, "The Secret Place of the Most High," the very center of one's own soul. Then, closing the mind to all outside distraction, pray to the Father and He will reward you OPENLY, or bring out into the open, tangible world the fulfillment of your requests.

Go into the center and hold forth your heart's desire. And remember, that in that same chapter of Matthew is given these words also: "The Father knows what you have need of before you ask."

The Father truly knows what you have need of in order to continue your own growth and progress. And if you have not prepared yourself to receive the fulness of your request He will grant you the necessary opportunities to grow into the things you may desire. And to begin with, the things you desire may not be the things you require or have need of. But as you ask, the Father, knowing what your actual need is, will supply the required condition and provide you with the opportunity for your own development.

The fulness of power cannot possibly be granted to those unprepared or unworthy to receive. However, as one "lays hold of the best gifts" with his mind, according to his own desiring, he will gradually be prepared for the complete fulfillment, or reception of his own requests, full formed.

As one holds mentally, to his own most sacred desire, closing his conscious thinking to all lesser issues and distractions, he will be prepared speedily to receive all that his mind can HOPE for or conceive of. And thus God will reward him openly or bring forth into tangible existence the full measure of his requests. And they will be fulfilled in their fullest, solid, compact reality.

As one closes the door to all the lesser, immaterial wants and holds forth the "Very Best gifts," the deepest yearnings of his own soul, the highest of his aspirations, he literally lays hold of the Primal Element of Creation, which is the divine element of LIGHT! And that element or substance of LIGHT takes form and appears in the OPEN, fulfilled and completely evident as it becomes tangible in visible form -- the HOPES of men embodied and made solid.

This primal substance, this glorified element or material of all fulfillment is the very substance of all creation and of all created things. It is divinely glorious! In this LIGHT there can be no darkness, doubts, fears or negation. It is pure perfection, ethereal and divinely exquisite. When generated by FAITH it becomes powerful. And man can generate and use it, "for all that the Father has is yours!" And this is the substance of which worlds were made and brought into form out of the unformed and void. This divine, holy element of all creation, this spiritual substance of LIGHT contains the fulness of all existing things and of all supply and of all forming and power.

And the Father who knoweth your needs, before you ask, comprehends your individual, personal requirements. Therefore are His Promises made plain so that anyone who will only alert himself into a state of desiring will be prepared to receive the advanced qualification of HOPING.

The Father, knowing before you ask, what you have need of is overwhelming in its truth. I shall try to clarify it this way: a little boy has lost his shoes and therefore shoes are what he has need of. His older brother is going to graduate and he needs a new suit. The father's barn has burned down and his need is for a new barn. The mother's need is for a small storeroom to hold the clutter of provisions and extra odds and ends in order that she can keep the home more orderly. No two needs are quite the same. The little boy could not use the brother's suit or his father's barn or his mother's storeroom. The father could not use his son's clothing. So each, according to his own needs is answered and supplied from the Father's great storehouse, according to his faith, or ability to desire or to ask or to use.

The higher, spiritual blessings are for those who have grown into the vision and understanding of them. They are not for the unprepared. And only as the great Promises of Almighty God are comprehended, accepted and desired can the blessings of their fulfillment be brought forth openly or into the open, tangible world of concrete form.

Therefore I adjure you, "Lay hold of the best gifts!" And as you lift your minds above mortal, physical desires of worldly possessions you will advance into the higher desires of the Holy PROMISES, or into your own fulfilling -- your own perfection -- and into the state where "ALL ELSE WILL BE ADDED!" Both the material and spiritual blessings will flow to you.

The very first step to fulfillment often comes as a fleeting flash upon the screen of the mind as a pleasant vision -- a wish, to be more exact. And if not taken hold of it dissolves and vanishes away like mist. If held onto it will expand into a dream as the mind develops the ability to take hold of so fragile an essence as a fleeting wish. But as it is entertained, held onto so begins its inception. Then the dream, if not eliminated or destroyed by doubting and unbelief, will evolve or mature into a desire. And as desire matures, if nurtured properly, it develops into a HOPE. And HOPE is the substance of FAITH, which holds within it the power of generated activity that brings it to fruition.

"FAITH IS THE SUBSTANCE," the essence, the divine living energy or element "OF THINGS HOPED FOR" as it generates them into form.

Faith IS Hope, motivated into action. Faith is the activating life force of the primal substance of all the things that Hope can conceive of. Faith is the generator of LIGHT. Faith IS HOPE in its invigorated, living fulness. FAITH is the life producing energy of the great divine LIGHT of creation and of which all things are originally composed. Light itself is the primal element which FAITH fashions and forms into fulfillment. It belongs to God! It is composed of Spirit and is exquisite beyond description or understanding. And the Father has offered it freely to His children on earth, for "ALL that the Father has is yours!"

As one learns to use this glorious, primal substance or element of Light, by exercising Faith, he moves onward and upward into the realms of ever higher and increasing requirements or needs as he receives the fulfillment of every divine PROMISE, the power of his own OVERCOMING, the glory of his own perfection and becomes a part of God's living Covenant, for every PROMISE of God is sealed with the heavenly Father's own COVENANT OF FULFILLMENT. And as one advances the requirements expand even to the point where a new heaven will be formed and a new earth -- or world.

This realm, this region of "THE NEW PIONEERING," this Kingdom of creating, is not only to be used for temporary requirements or desires or blessings for when it is mastered it is forever and forever a blessing of increasing glory and achievement, reaching beyond earth and time -- and on into eternity.

This NEW REALM, this higher spiritual Kingdom, or region, or domain of the primal, creative material can be used NOW as one exercises the FAITH to bring it into form. As one uses this dynamic power of creation he becomes the Master in a joyous, victorious glory of divine accomplishment.

It is as one casts out the darkness and begins to COMMAND the LIGHT that he becomes a singing glory of Praise and Love and gratitude. It is these mastered vibrations of which the Celestial Song of Creation is composed. Thus one can begin to form a new world by altering his surroundings. He can transform every condition into peace and glory as he clothes himself in LIGHT. And as he becomes filled with LIGHT it becomes subject unto him and must obey his command.

And now, this glorious PROMISE of Almighty God must be repeated here: "That which is of God is LIGHT; and he that receiveth LIGHT, and continueth in God, receiveth more LIGHT; and that LIGHT groweth brighter until the perfect day" (or until he himself is perfected).

"And again, verily I say unto you, and I say it that you may chase darkness from among you:

"He that is ordained of God and sent forth, the same is appointed to be the greatest, notwithstanding he is the least and the servant of all.

"Wherefore he is possessor of all things; for all things are subject unto him, both in heaven and on earth, the life, and the Light, the Spirit and the Power sent forth by the will of the Father through Jesus Christ, his son.



This power to receive whatsoever one asks is the power to command the LIGHT and to fashion and to form it, through FAITH, into any desired manifestation or condition or substance.

This is how all things become subject unto one. It is accomplished by casting out the darkness of doubting and despair and fear and negation. And this is accomplished through PRAISE and LOVE and GRATITUDE! Then only is one able to take hold of the LIGHT that he might comprehend all things and fulfill all things as he clothes himself in LIGHT. This is how the LIGHT becomes subject unto any individual, as God PROMISED in the beginning.

The LIFE becomes subject unto one as he takes hold of the vibrating force of FAITH and uses it to fulfill and to accomplish all things as he fashions the LIGHT into the ideals, or conditions or objects held forth for forming. Faith is the LIFE force as it is generated into action by the believing mind of man.

The SPIRIT becomes subject unto one as he uses his highest intelligence to fulfill and to comprehend and to manipulate or bring into BIRTH the pure matter or the Great LIGHT of all Creation. One must learn to command and to control the Spirit instead of permitting himself to become a chattering demonstrator, manifesting in some weird, unseemly manner. The Spirit is the glory of pure intelligence which is meant to be held in complete control. As this is understood and accomplished one becomes the Master and these unspeakable POWERS become subject unto him.

Then it is that one is given the full POWER to comprehend all things and to glorify all conditions and all things. This is the fulness of the POWER which also becomes subject unto man as he prepares himself to bring it into subjection for it was and is meant to be subject unto all who cast out the darkness of unbelief and doubting and who purify themselves from all sin.

These forces are of heaven and can be used on this earth, for to him who purifies himself all things become subject, both in heaven and on earth; the LIFE and the LIGHT and the SPIRIT and the POWER. Majesty belongs to him who becomes majestic, through control, awakened understanding and through purification.

From the most ancient records of the world comes this information: "O my son, matter becomes; formerly it was, for matter is the vehicle of becoming. Becoming is the mode of activity of the uncreate and foreseeing God. Having been endowed with the germ of becoming matter is brought into BIRTH, for the creative force (of FAITH) fashions it according to the ideal forms. Matter not yet engendered has no form: it becomes when it is put into operation * * *."

This POWER of transforming that which is without form and void into tangible substance and blessings is contained in the ability to use FAITH which alone can form and fashion the LIGHT into tangible realities. This is accomplished through LOVE and through FAITH generated into action.

"And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that we might be filled with the fulness of God." (Eph. 3:19)

"Behold, now are we the sons of God, (as we LIVE his teachings) and it doth not yet appear what we shall be: but we know that when he shall appear we shall be like him, for we shall see him as he is.