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Table of Contents: The Book of Books by Annalee Skarin

Chapter XIX

True Prayer is Faith in Action

The eternal, all-powerful PROMISE of God to all men is: "Ask and you shall receive; Seek and you shall find; Knock and it shall be opened unto you, for EVERYONE who asks receives; and he who seeks shall find" the realm of the great Universal, Primal Element of all forming, for the doors to that realm will be opened unto him. This is the realm or Kingdom of God which is PROMISED to those who seek for it FIRST and above all else.

And I hear your query, "Then why hasn't its powers been made manifest?"

And I am glad you asked, and I shall answer you.

Remember, "He who asketh in Spirit asketh according to the will of God, and he shall have whatsoever he asketh."

Mumbling a prayer is not asking in Spirit. Making a wish is not asking in Spirit. To ask in Spirit is to form a definitely, clearcut picture of your desire, so clear there can be no smeared, smudged, weak, questionable pattern formed. Then this desire must be held in the mind until it is perfect and becomes established on that Spirit element of all forming. As it is thus held, without wavering or doubting it will finally find its true lodgment within the heart. This is its full, manifest conception. This is the law of its coming forth and the power of its fulfilling. Then it is that the very pattern and Hope will draw to it the Pure LIGHT Rays of Glory in increased, dynamic power. And thus the desire becomes established in the realm of Eternal Light as one begins to use the element of Creation to fulfill his needs and desires. As this is accomplished the PROMISED "All Else" will soon be added. This is "The asking in Spirit" that is required for man's completion of his part of the Covenant or deal. This is the type of asking that fulfills the pledge or COVENANT of Almighty God: "For everyone who asks receives!" The asking must be deep and sincere and the request held to without doubting or until patience has perfected its work.

This "asking" is not just a lip service or a momentary request. This "asking" is the shaping of the pattern or design so that it takes hold of the primal element of Spirit or pure LIGHT and molds it into form as those holy rays of Divine Light are advanced into atoms of their destined forming. And everyone on this earth can use the law. "For everyone who asks receives!" Yes, "God gives to all men liberally and upbraideth not! And it shall be given him! But let him ask in FAITH, nothing wavering for he that wavereth is like a wave of the sea driven by the wind and tossed; and let not that man think that he shall receive anything of the Lord." One must hold the request forth without doubting and without wavering or changing and with exceeding great joy in the assurance that he will receive it. "For when ye pray, BELIEVE THAT YOU RECEIVE and you shall have whatsoever you ask."

This great primal substance of all Creating, this divine, holy element of Light can be used NOW! It can be used by anyone! It only takes the exerted energy of FAITH to mold it into form. And FAITH is but the activated power of holding steadfastly to the LIGHT as darkness and doubting are eliminated. This is the forming or patterning or the ASKING that is required. And this dynamic power of Creation is but awaiting man's acceptance of it. And this is how one "asks according to the will of God!"

"And it is God's will to give you the kingdom" of all HOPE and of all fulfilling for you were created to have dominion over the earth and the elements thereof and over the fish of the sea and the fowls of the air and over your own desires as you pattern them into the power and glory of their fashioned fulfilling. And in that forming is held the glorious Song of Creation. The Song which none but the righteous can learn -- the Song of Praise and Love and Gratitude and Everlasting Joy as one steps out of the old shrouds of mortal miseries and wants and suffering and fears and darkness into the higher Realms of Light and Power and Life -- Even Life Everlasting, which holds the PROMISE of all-fulfilling and perfecting.

Truly "NOTHING IS IMPOSSIBLE!" No desire is too great if unselfish and pure. No request can be ignored or slighted if FAITH is generated by casting out slothfulness and the darkness of doubting. "FOR EVERYONE WHO ASKS RECEIVES!" And each receives according to the use he makes of the element of LIGHT and the energy of FAITH, which belong to him and are eternally his to command.

"All that the Father has is yours!" It is yours NOW! It has always been yours. It will always be yours unless you relinquish your claim to it by loving the darkness rather than the LIGHT! "Cast out the darkness from among you!" Cast out your fears and negation and doubting and you will be filled with LIGHT and will be able "TO COMPREHEND ALL THINGS!" "AND ALL THINGS WILL BECOME SUBJECT UNTO YOU!"

You cannot possibly aim too high. As you take hold of the responsibility of your own perfecting and accept of the divine, holy gifts of your Divine Sire, The Almighty God of all Creation, you will indeed be pleasing Him greatly!

This glorious LIGHT can be generated by man himself for man is so constructed that he can become a dynamo of Spiritual Power as he places himself in tune with those higher vibrations or realms of LIGHT. Man is a magnetic force which can attract to himself a double portion of Cosmic Light to do his bidding and to take form according to his command. And man can generate Light a hundred fold as he sends it forth in love and blessing to encircle the earth. And in so doing It will return unto him increased a thousand fold to clothe him in the glory and power of LIGHT and thus will he become filled with LIGHT until "he comprehends all things and has all POWER."

This is the heritage of man as he lays claim to it.

The Holy Spirit of Promise is the Spirit of Revelation, for the Spirit of Revelation is the Holy Spirit of Promise in its fullness. It is the LIGHT of TRUTH and KNOWLEDGE and of fore-knowing as one grows into it by his attentive, humble awareness and his own dynamic love as it is generated from within. This Holy Spirit of Promise, this divine Spirit of Witness of Revealing is increased by a desire to obey Its disclosing and give heed to Its instruction.

It is also "Given to abide in you; the record of heaven; the Comforter; the peaceable things of immortal glory; the Truth of all things; that which quickeneth all things, which maketh alive all things; that which knoweth all things, and hath all power." The foregoing PROMISES are held in their completeness within that Holy Spirit of Promise. It is the Witness of them, the Revealer of them and the unsealer of them.

It is the divine blessings which are given to abide in man that are true and lasting when developed. They are based on the most sacred, "Holy Covenant of Almighty God and are enfolded in the Holy Spirit of Promise which the Father sheds forth upon all who are Just and True."

The Holy Spirit of Promise is a very sacred, special gift bestowed upon man when he is worthy to receive It. It is forever his as he becomes JUST AND TRUE. And when one feels this enlightening glory of HOPE whispering, if only for a moment, that these great, dynamic truths can be fulfilled in him, he is receiving the divine Witness of that Holy Spirit of Promise. If he understood and fully accepted that Witness and would hold to It, without doubting, the Promises would soon be his in their completeness and power.

It is because man permits the doubts to enter and seal off the Testimony of that Most Holy Witness that it takes so long for some to fulfill the Promises which are whispered into their soul during those high, inspired moments of contact. And there are those who shut out forever the holy, fulfilling powers of God through their own encouraging unbelief.

As one learns to hold that contact, without doubting, the Promises, whatever they are, will become his own and he will become a divine instrument of glory. And all may be so chosen and precious if they will only choose to take hold of the LIGHT-bearing WITNESS to their souls of the Truth of God's Promises.

The Promises are true and faithful. They cannot fail! Only man can fail as he reaches out to take hold of the darkness and literally wraps himself in it. And makes of it his shroud.

As one accepts the Witness of that Holy Spirit of Promise It will open the way before him, revealing the Path of his own appointed destiny and will help him to fulfill it in honor. The Spirit of Promise is the divine Witness of God and of the TRUTH OF HIS WORDS! This precious, sacred gift of revealing is for those who are "Just and True" -- true to Its revealing and just in their actions and their thinking insomuch that they condemn not the weaknesses and failings in others in a blind, selfrighteous, superior arrogance.

Neither can the Holy Spirit of Promise operate in man's self-appointed unbelief. It cannot fulfill when man seals his mind to Its breathtaking encouragements of Truth. It is the very Voice of God whispered through the Holy Spirit and It is appointed to lead into ALL-TRUTH for the TRUTH of all things is contained within it. It contains the power of revealing and of PROMISE and of quickening and of renewing. It PROMISES all things and has the power of all fulfilling. And It is given to abide in man! It is the Messenger of God, the divine Witness of Him and of His LIGHT!

This Holy Spirit of Promise is LOVE personified and is the joy and glory of all accomplishment. In It is contained the Peaceable things of immortal glory. It can only abide where peace is and it is the Messenger of Peace, the Witness of God and of His Son Jesus Christ. It will fulfill every Promise ever given if man himself only believes in Its PROMISES and holds to them without doubting.

We could almost say that the Holy Spirit of Promise is the LOVE of God which is shed forth through the hearts of the children of men! It is precious beyond all ordinary comprehension. It is one's contact with God. It contains the power of all revealing and of all fulfilling. It is the fulfilling glory of FAITH. "It promises all things and fulfills all things!" And it is given to abide in those of pure hearts. And all men were created to receive this most precious gift in Its fulness if so be they will prepare themselves by casting out the darkness through their own believing. To such will be the eternal honor and everlasting companionship of that Holy Spirit of Promise. Within It is contained the humility and pureness of divine accomplishment for only in humility can one ever be 'JUST or TRUE!" And only in humility can one learn to manipulate the divine Light of Creation for in humility alone can the power to BELIEVE be accomplished.

This divine, Holy Spirit of Revelation or Promise will continue to lead one into "ALL TRUTH" as it reveals all things, even the deep and hidden mysteries of God. And It Promises to fulfill those divine Promises to the individual who will accept of Its revealing. It is as one follows the gentle, peaceful, powerful leading of that Holy Spirit of Promise that he is prepared to "COMPREHEND ALL THINGS * * * EVEN UNTIL HE BECOMES PERFECT IN CHRIST JESUS." This is the condition Promised by Almighty God to those who believe.

This is the "Spirit which the Father sheds forth upon all who are JUST AND TRUE!" It is the Spirit of Revelation! It is indeed the Holy Spirit, for within It is contained the power of each man's fulfillment.

"Yes, he that repenteth (which means to turn and travel that inward path of purification) and exerciseth FAITH and bringeth forth good works, and prayeth continually without ceasing unto such is given to know the mysteries of God. Yea, unto such it shall be given to reveal things which have never been revealed; yea, and it shall be given unto such to bring thousands of souls unto repentance." And those who keep the higher laws "Shall receive WISDOM and GREAT TREASURES OF KNOWLEDGE, EVEN HIDDEN TREASURES!"

All the dynamic possibilities of the future, including Man's individual powers and calling and perfection, his hopes and fulfillings are still waiting in the formless LIGHT, the divine, primal element or substance of all forming and of all Creation. And it is the Holy Spirit of Promise that casts the vision or manifests the reflection of that which can be, or reveals that which holds the germ or pattern of "BECOMING," even as God Promised to YOU individually before the world was.

But it is YOU yourself who must take hold of the vision, the desire, the HOPE as the Holy Spirit of Promise reveals the Truth or pattern of its forming.

Every living soul can learn to generate LIGHT! This is man's heritage, the ability to generate LIGHT! Man cannot create LIGHT. LIGHT already exists. Man can draw It to himself increased a thousand fold as he generates It or gathers It into Its full potential power. As one generates the LIGHT, or increases Its flow to himself, through his belief in the PROMISES held out to him by the Holy Spirit of Promise, the LIGHT itself becomes subject unto him. And thus he overcomes the darkness. Then only can one become a Creator.

LIGHT is indeed the spiritual element of forming. It is the energy of creation and lies dormant until generated into action by man's own thinking processes or awakened envisioning of pure desires as he accepts the Witness of the Holy Spirit of Promise which holds the keys of all fulfilling, revealing those things which were meant to "BECOME" -- the glory and perfection of man himself.