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Table of Contents for: Sons of God by Christine Mercie →

Chapter IX.

Sealed Minds

I was back again, living a seemingly normal existence. I even continued in my work for awhile, for only in that way could I reach Martha, and one or two others who were slowly being prepared for light.

At this point one no longer speaks his own words, but receives from that inner source of "all-knowing." Neither does one go forth upon his own, but is called or directed according to the need or the urgency of the demand for help.

There are countless numbers on the earth, at the present time, who seem to be beyond help. Help cannot be forced upon any man. The only way help can be given is for the individual to begin to pull off his seals, and this is difficult unless he will let go of his hates and prejudices and begin to send out love. He must open his heart and mind to the great outpouring light that is gradually increasing in intensity. Its outpouring must be slow and very gradual or it would consume and destroy instead of awakening and developing the latent possibilities in the souls of men. Yet with all this outpouring many are walking in darkness at noonday, and their hearts and minds are remaining completely sealed against light and truth.

And astonishing as it may seem, the most sealed minds are often the "Hallelujah" shouters, the "holier-than-thou" ones, the fanatical religionists, steeped in bigotry and sealed in self-righteousness.

There are those also who are sealed by "the traditions of the fathers." The old-time religions that were good enough for father, grandfather, uncles, aunts and generations of ancestors are not good enough for the coming generation of light. Those old-time religions are as outmoded as the ancient caravan, and as lacking in vitality and efficiency as the covered wagons of the pioneers as compared with modern transportation. The old things have filled their places well, but new things must come. To cling to the old things which were good enough for our ancestors is to hold ourselves back in their era of time, without our making their progress or accomplishing the great things they achieved. We would not only be standing still to pursue such a vain course, we would be going backward. These ideas of holding to the past, its dogmas, its empty rituals, brings forth a dead, lifeless, unprogressive generation living in the utter ruins of past glories, walking only in the hollow, empty footsteps of the great "has been." These are the times that are ours. We must step forth and live in them. Those who cling to the past and the things thereof are the ones that time passes by and life remains a dead experience because it has not been lived.

To such we can give but a passing thought of love and infinite compassion as we go on our way. The great invisible light cannot penetrate that which is sealed. To approach such with spoken words of light and divine reasoning makes them instantly argumentative. Instinctively they feel the need to defend their stand. And instinctively they swing into action on the defensive, using every weapon of words at their command. Their very argumentative attitude is but the complete manifestation of the unprogressive darkness they represent. They raise their voices in order to close their own ears against everything that is not already contained in their sealed minds, lest hearing they would be required to readjust their thinking. This readjustment is most difficult for any who are sealed, either in the traditions of the fathers or in fanatical doctrines. It is easier to live by falsehood than change one's mind, if one does not love TRUTH more than he loves life or his own opinions. A sincere, deep love of truth permits no seals.

For all who are not open to Light or TRUTH, in its fullest sense, there stands restrictions to progress as definite and as real as solid fortified walls which each individual has constructed around himself. Light cannot penetrate such self-made fortifications, for they are constructed of darkness. Only those imprisoned behind such walls can possibly begin to free themselves, by humility, which is that glorious contrite spirit so necessary to progress. This is the offering he requires, along with the offering and sacrifice of the broken heart. A contrite Spirit has to offer, or sacrifice all bigotry, all seals, all prejudices and becomes as open as the heart of a child. Only this contriteness of spirit makes it possible for light to enter, and truth to be revealed.

It takes great courage to give up the ideas one has lived for, worked for, held to and supported and see them crumble into dust and nothingness. Few can face such a seeming catastrophe. This giving up, or letting go of all opinions requires more dynamic courage than most possess. For some it is much easier to relinquish their lives than to give up their opinions. Truth and Light can only enter the heart that is open -- the heart that has let go -- the spirit that has become humble, contrite and teachable.

The pure religion and undefiled is so simple, so completely beautiful that its very simplicity is a stumbling block to those who pin their pride on show and rituals. Its pure simplicity is perfection, and therefore is not desired, or understood. True religion does not need the props of great wordy prayers, and learned sermons, it needs no high altars or even magnificent churches, or rich cathedrals. Man is the temple of God and upon his own altar, in the center of his soul, burns the everlasting fire of pure devotion. It is here that the great offering of love is sent forth, where the purity of soul is completely distilled, and the humbleness of heart is developed, and the purity of mind fulfilled. To such the love of one's neighbor is already a perfected reality and it is not an obligation to visit the widows and the fatherless, but a divine privilege. To such, every man is his brother and he loves them even as he loves himself, perhaps more. In his heart the universe is one. Such a one could no more consume great wealth upon his own lusts, while any member of society suffers want, than Christ could have gathered to Himself the thrones of the earth and the riches and honors thereof. The great test the rich young man could not pass is not even a test for such a one.

To serve without hope of reward, or even a desire for it, or a thought of it, is the true service. This is the true law of religion. It is the law of "let not thy left hand know what thy right hand doeth." To give without expecting to be rewarded or hoping to be paid in even the smallest token of appreciation is a part of the great religion. To serve without honor, or thanks, to serve for the very love of serving, this is the great love. He who works expecting credit, honors, rewards or glory is working for himself, and not for mankind. And his service is inferior and vain. He who demands appreciation for his services is working for even less and inferior pay. To give service and pass on without giving it a second thought, without expecting reward, either in this world, or in the world to come, is the great service, the pure, Christ-like service of complete love. This is the complete releasing of the law of gravity, for in this way one even lets go of the desire for reward -- and gives out love from a heart that is full and running over. Service must be rendered entirely through love and because of love -- love must be its aim and its end. This is pure religion and undefiled. It is undefiled by empty forms, cumbersome, orthodox rituals, high seats of exalted honors - and many words -- This is the religion of everlasting power and light.

In this religion controversial points of doctrine lose their meaning completely. This is the religion beyond race, or color or creed. And into this religion are gathered the noble and great ones of the earth -- the kindly Jew, the merciful Mohammedan, the truly understanding Chinese, the unselfish Gentile, the humble, sincere Christian -- all those who live the inner laws of righteousness that have been engraved upon the two tablets of man's soul since the world began. This is the law of Israel, which means literally, "Love and Light" -- or the sons of Love and Light. These are those who can live the higher laws of Truth -- letting go of all else.

This great Truth is beyond creed and dogma and orthodoxy. It isn't a strained, overtaxed, bigoted, contentious, wrangling, monstrous thing fighting against itself. It is the natural cleansing of the inner soul and the progressive march of the great brotherhood of all mankind.

Even the criminal often has a better chance suddenly to swing out into the light than the religious fanatic. The criminal knows in his soul he has failed. And sometimes the very burden of that failure is the balance or power that opens up the heart. Many a criminal, locked in solitary confinement, who in his desperate anguish at having reached the very lowest end of his trail, has suddenly been awakened by the great light and his broken heart has opened to receive. His very soul, has, as in an instant, changed and been exalted and his mind has been enlightened.

From the higher viewpoint it is seen that each person is in the exact place where his most needed lessons can be learned, if he will only learn them. Some are in high positions that they might learn the humility of holding power and many of them fail. Some can only learn by reaching the very lowest point of degradation and shame, some by physical handicaps, deep suffering, poverty or heartbreak. Some in one church, some in another, according to the amount of light and truth the individual is capable of living by, or will accept. Each church has stood in the past to supply some need. The churches were established to help point the way to the higher life, but they have lost the perspective and no longer point the way, but claim they are the way. Some even assume that they are the entire goal and purpose of existence and the Celestial Authority of heaven itself. At present all are blocking the way with their empty forms, bigoted ideas, powerless priesthoods, orthodoxed creeds of non-expansion, uninspired dogmatism and unbelievable usurpation of the rights of heaven.

It is time to go beyond the earthly churches, beyond the empty phrases, the dead forms, into the Holy-of-Holies in a man's own soul and contact God through individual effort. Each man must begin to do his own praying, his own searching, his own asking -- and most of all he must learn to open up his own heart and mind to the great, outpouring of heavenly, divine light that is beginning to enfold the earth with increasing vibrations of everlasting glory. This is the preparation for the baptism of fire and membership in the Great Church of the Firstborn, which kingdom is not of this world.

"Not everyone that saith unto me, Lord, Lord, shall enter into the kingdom of heaven; but he that doeth the will of my Father which is in heaven."