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Table of Contents for: Beyond Mortal Boundaries by Annalee Skarin →

Chapter XXI

Majesty Becomes Divinity

When one lives and thinks upon the earthly plane he is existing fully and completely on the mortal level. He is a grubby mortal. He is abiding in a "lone and dreary world" no matter how he may try to glamorize it to hide the impermanence of its imagined joys and its counterfeit novelties of evils.

When one is wrapped, even for a moment, in the sublime ecstasy of spiritual inspiration he is lifted back into the Garden of Eden Estate. This realm of contact with the holy, divine, vibrating wonder of the peace and power of God's enfolding love is that realm out of which man was cast, because of transgression.

When one's mind is wholly centered upon the things of this earth he becomes, as the scriptures declare, a being "carnal, sensual and devilish!" "Carnal" is when one's thoughts are centered upon the things of the flesh and of the world and are completely earthy. "Sensual" is when one is ruled and governed by the lusts of the senses as he permits himself to be enslaved and ruled by his mortal, physical sensations. He yields himself to become the slave instead of being the divine master and ruler of his own realm or kingdom.

As one begins to develop that sublime, eternal, powerful gift of love he will find himself more and more lifted into a higher vibratory realm of joyous, ecstatic splendor.

He will finally know fully that "The Fruit of the Tree of Life IS the LOVE of God which is shed forth through the hearts of the children of men!"

The "Fruit of the Tree of Life" is in reality the full essence of perfect, divine love. It is the enfolding fulness of God's protection and approval and joyous ecstasy as it is expressed in the heart of man. It is the essence of everlasting life. It is the perfection of all that is.

When man was cast out of the ancient Garden of Paradise, because of transgressions, "Cherubim, with his flaming sword, was placed at the entrance to guard the way to the Tree of Life, lest man put forth his hand and partake of the Fruit thereof and live forever in his sins." Sin is the cause of sickness, suffering and -- death.

If man had been permitted to partake of the sacred Tree of Life, without OVERCOMING his sins and his inclinations to sin he would have heaped upon himself all the miseries of suffering and physical anguish and mortal decay and the unendurable agonies to which the flesh can be subject and still have gone on living without any possible release. And so it was that death was permitted as a way of escape. And the "Wages of Sin IS DEATH!" And the wages of sin is also the suffering and the pain and the illnesses of mortality.

Christ explained it thus when He healed those who came to Him for healing: "Go thy way and SIN NO MORE lest a worse thing befall thee!" This statement is more far-reaching than anyone realizes. Only in OVERCOMING can the evils of mortal life be eliminated. And only in the divine OVERCOMING can the hold of death be released for "The last enemy to be overcome is death." But the enemies that must be conquered before death is overcome are the evils and the ills of life and the decrepitudes of old age and the weaknesses and flaws of character.

And there are those who make no effort to overcome yet desire and expect the rewards of all righteousness. They would not change themselves for all the glories of heaven, they are so completely satisfied with themselves just as they are. These are usually the self-righteous, self-deceived ones who are also the great deceivers who work tirelessly upon others instead of themselves. They are "the blind, leaders of the blind," who stand at the entrance to that "broad, open Way that leads to destruction" or death, insisting that all whom they contact must enter that unholy path, which they are treading -- the Path of death! For they will die! And those who follow them will likewise die. The centuries before them prove the error of their teachings, but they see not. The leaders they have followed have all died. And they, too, will die.

This entrance back into the Edenic Estate is one that must be EARNED. Desiring or believing one has received its gifts of life eternal is a condition of self-deception brought on by that feeling of self-righteousness which is an impossible condition to cope with by the messengers of Light.

One must live the laws. He must perfect the gift of love right within himself before the "Love of God can be shed forth through his heart," which is the gift of LIFE. One must work upon himself -- NOT SO MUCH UPON OTHERS. And when he has purified and perfected himself and sanctified himself, then only can others behold his Light and be healed by the love that will pour forth from his being. And this will be a power so silent and so love-filled no words will be needed to testify of it -- or of God. "For my Kingdom is not in word but in power, saith the Lord."

The self-righteous ones are not only deceived but they are evil. They refuse to enter that Straight and Narrow Path that leads to Life Eternal, glorified in love and filled with Light. They so fully believe they are already perfect they make no effort to OVERCOME. But, being blinded by their self-righteousness, they hang onto their old beliefs, their old doctrines and dogmas as they usher all who will listen to them into that pathway of their own dark principles of destruction.

Paul's admonition to "leave even the principles and the doctrine of Christ, and go on to perfection," is ignored. They drag the stairway He left for the ungodly along with them and the Straight and Narrow Pathway of Perfection is never entered at all, though they may deceive themselves into believing that they are the very road to Light.

And all such will continue to hammer their old doctrines and to preach their old principles until old age and illness finally silences them and they, too, go shamefully into the grave as their ancestors and leaders before them have gone.

Generations of false preachers have died and will continue to die as they have lived "by the letter of the law." "THE LETTER KILLETH!" And it will continue to kill! Only the SPIRIT GIVETH LIFE! And the Spirit is manifest as the literal, living contact with God. It is the LOVE OF GOD made manifest in a human soul as he steps forth into that Straight and Narrow Path -- the Path of perfection -- The Path of glory -- The Path of Jesus Christ -- The Path of OVERCOMING! This is the only possible Path that can "OVERCOME THE EVILS OF ONE'S LIFE,” the aches and the pains and the physical handicaps and the mortal miseries and the weaknesses and the self-righteousness and the sins.

And he who travels this Straight and Narrow Path is traveling that glorified Road of self-purification as he works upon himself instead of upon others.

And there are truly "Those who do! And those who do not! And those who undo!" And these latter are the most deadly of all as they close the gate of glory to those who would enter, by holding forth their own dogmatic insistence of the perfections of that broad, dismal, darkness of the way that leads only to destruction! Such can not possibly re-enter Paradise. Neither can those who follow their teachings.

There are those who shout about the need to receive the "baptism of the Spirit" as they call it. And they ignore completely Christ's glorious information, shared with Nicodemus and left for anyone who will, to take hold of and fulfill. This divine power to be "BORN OF THE SPIRIT" is the divine reality of true fulfilling and of fulfillment. "The baptism of the spirit," of which these fanatical ones shout, is a condition understood not at all. It is but the touch of the Holy Spirit upon one, seeking to awaken him or to prepare him for the fulness of the 'BIRTH OF THE SPIRIT." It is but the small quickening touch of life within that developing infant body still held enfolded in its mother's womb.

To believe that this momentary touch of inspiration, this tiny quickening of the life impulse is the whole meaning and purpose of life is a deadly fallacy. It is like claiming that the first quickening of that life force in the infant's body enfolded within the mother's womb is the fulness of birth and of life itself.

This touch of the Spirit is so misunderstood and so exaggerated into the whole purpose and meaning of existence the powers of life which were meant to be awakened to prepare one for the fulness of the real BIRTH are squandered and dissipated and that child may yet come forth still-born. That quickening touch of life within that infant body is not birth nor the fulfillment of life. It is but a quickening to testify that there is a greater fulfillment to come.

There are those who have had this touch of the first quickening of that life force who become so wildly hysterical in their abandonment of ungodly behavior they have forfeited all right to the fulness of the Spirit in their shouting, screaming misbehavior as it becomes the desecrating noise of sounding brass and clanging cymbals, which profiteth them nothing.

"That the Gentiles, which followed not after righteousness, have attained to righteousness, even the righteousness which is of faith.

"But Israel, which followed after the law of righteousness, hath not attained to the law of righteousness.

"Wherefore? Because they sought it not by faith, but as it were by the works of the law. For they stumbled at that stumblingstone;

"As it is written, Behold, I lay in Zion a stumbling stone and rock of offence; but whosoever believeth on him shall not be ashamed." (Romans 9:30-33).

And so the stumblingstone remains to lull into a carnal state of security those who are not weaned from the breasts or drawn from the milk and who are satisfied with the clanging cymbals and the noisy demonstrations of sounding brass emptiness.

It must be understood that only as one is truly "BORN OF THE SPIRIT" can he have the power to go forth in the full service of perfection. Such only will have the Spirit bear witness of him as he is sent forth to serve even with the full ability to "Come and go as the wind" to whatsoever assignment is awaiting him, under the hand of God. And such "will speak no word save God commands it and perform no act save God reveals it." And such will only act and speak in majesty and power.

"God is not the author of confusion, but of peace." (I Cor. 14:33). God is never the author of wild, noisy, babbling demonstrations but of divine and holy majesty.

And the "sounding brass and the clanging cymbals" spoken of in first Corinthians, the thirteenth chapter, is but the loud, uncontrolled demonstrations of those who go forth and perform all the mightiest miracles under heaven, but without perfect love. Perfect love never behaves itself unseemly. It is never puffed up but is always humble and gracious and majestic as it is manifested under perfect control.

"He that hath no rule over his own spirit is like a city that is broken down, and without walls. (Pr. 25:28).

"He that is slow to anger is better than the mighty; and he that RULETH HIS SPIRIT than he that taketh a city. (Pr. 16:32).

In order that the final SEAL, given by the Lord, Jesus Christ, can be placed at the end of this record, this information must be stressed. Always complete control and divine majesty must be the manifested quality of each progressing soul. Each individual must be prepared and instructed in the strict discipline of himself. He must understand the necessity of majestic, perfect control and use the power within himself to rule over his own spirit at all times. Otherwise, his works will profit him nothing for they are but "sounding brass and clanging cymbals," which is but an unholy noise.

Only in this divine control can the SEAL of life be placed upon one's brow. Only as one learns to control his emotions can he travel the Pathway of the Gods. Only in exerted majestic control can one master the divine qualities within himself necessary to become god-like as he works for the fulfillment of perfection in the attainment of divinity.

And now, if you are prepared, I place this sacred SEAL of Jesus Christ in your hands, that you yourselves might receive, in time, the seal of divinity upon your foreheads. The knowledge must first be placed within your conscious minds before it can appear upon your brows.

And only those who have perfect love and true humility and a degree of majesty can possibly do the works which Christ did -- WHICH WORKS ONLY ARE ACCEPTABLE BEFORE GOD, for these are the only works that are profitable. And only such could possibly be prepared to do the GREATER WORKS, WHICH ARE DONE IN SILENCE and under the full-flowing of God's holy vibrations and power, under perfect control. This is LOVE made manifest, which love is completely self-less.

Preachers and teachers and even some professing prophets have been going forth for years as "they preach for hire and divine for money,” according to Micah, the third chapter and eleventh verse. They take upon themselves the authority and calling of being ambassadors of the Lord, Jesus Christ. Yet in Hebrews, chapter five and verse four, it states plainly: "And no man taketh this honor unto himself, but he that IS called of God, as was Aaron." And Aaron was called by the direct voice of God.

This same scripture goes on to state that even Christ did not glorify himself to be made a high priest, but God called Him to that office as "he said unto him, Thou art my Son, today have I begotten thee." (Heb. 5:4-5).

Christ spent the first thirty years of His life in preparing Himself for such a divine calling. He spent those years working upon Himself, not upon others. And when He was prepared, God the Father acknowledged it and Christ was called by God.

And so it was that He was prepared to speak no word save God commanded it and perform no act (or miracle) save God revealed it. And so it must be understood that each person must first prepare himself, purify himself, sanctify himself, and perfect himself before he is prepared to work upon others. This inner training cannot be obtained in any college or school of divinity or monastery as one crams his mind with facts and formulas while his soul remains empty and unglorified. Neither can such authority be assumed by any individual with the mere desire to become a servant in the hands of God. One must first learn to LIVE the laws Christ gave. And Christ alone is the Teacher and the one who issues the sanction of approval upon those who enter His employ.

Thousands, yes, tens of thousands have gone forth with a tiny shred of knowledge to work upon others as they have fulfilled none of the requirements within themselves that are so necessary to be an accepted ambassador of the Lord, Jesus Christ. These usurpers of divine authority are always working upon others as they block the way to Light and to God with their insignificant opinions and dogmas and creeds and doctrines and their pet passages of scripture. And they understand not that "The letter killeth" -- and has continued to kill, for generations of them have died -- and their leaders before them.

It is the "Spirit that giveth life!" "For the law made nothing perfect, but the bringing in of a better hope did, by which we draw nigh unto God." And even more so in our day, have many assumed to demonstrate the power of the Spirit, seeking His approval as they blasphemed against God with their ungodly demonstrations, which "profiteth them nothing!” And many of those who take upon themselves the authority to be representatives of Jesus Christ know not that every employer chooses his employees. Christ's words to His Apostles were, "Ye have not chosen me! But I have chosen you -- and ordained you!" And those who assume to take His approval upon themselves usually become the recipients of various afflictions and illnesses.

And just to listen to the boastings of these usurpers of authority, as they repeatedly proclaim their mighty spiritual accomplishment, which occurred during their rare moments of inspiration, is like listening to a doctor's instrument boasting how it saved lives and how it performed many mighty works. What has an instrument to boast of in the hands of the Physician?

As one works upon himself, instead of upon others, seeking to perfect the gift of love within himself, he truly begins to "evolve from the man kingdom into the God Kingdom!" As one's heart is generated by love his being begins to change. His heart becomes softened and melted and opens wide to the great inflowing love of God. Then it is that he is offering to God the only approved sacrifice -- The sacrifice of a broken or OPEN HEART and a contrite (humble) spirit. This is the only sacrifice acceptable since the supreme one of the Son of God upon the cross. As one thus opens his heart he is preparing himself to be taught of God. "And they are called Gods unto whom the word of God comes!" These are the ones God is able to teach! This is the divine, holy contact with the Almighty, which is achieved only by learning to LOVE GOD WITH ALL THE HEART!

As one loves with all his soul, the physical being is renovated, cleansed, purified, renewed and spiritualized -- every living cell, organ, nerve, sinew and atom of it. And one begins to feel not only an assurance of royalty within himself, but of majesty! And there is no person on this earth who can be so lowly and obscure and insignificant and friendless that he cannot evolve from that condition of negative worthlessness as love is generated through his entire being. His body becomes quickened and renewed -- and ageless -- and deathless!

As one loves with all his mind, his mind has to be "Single To The Glory of God!" It is automatic. It is as natural as existence itself. And -- IT IS SO! And there can be no argument.

And no one can fully worship and praise God with ALL his mind who does it through the gift of tongues, as so many claim. If one is to give praise and to love God with ALL his mind then his conscious mind must be a part of that adoration. For, unless he understands with his conscious mind, the power and the magnitude of his love and adoration and the expression of it, he is not loving with ALL his mind. He must be fully aware of every word of love expressed, of praise offered, and of devotion released through his intelligence.

There is no one in existence who will send out love and not be loved. He will not need to seek out or cling to others to give him their small crumbs of acceptance or love to relieve his loneliness. He will be a dispenser of love, a being radiant, beautiful and attractive as he attracts others to him.

Then as one "loves with all his strength," until he establishes that divine vibration right within himself) and it does not take long to accomplish this), he will realize suddenly that he is a part of this great love. This very loving with all one's strength is but the "asking with all the energy of heart to be possessed of this love." "And he who asks shall receive -- for everyone who asks receives!" And it is so! And as this love fills one's being he will realize suddenly that he IS this LOVE! Love! Pure! Perfect and divine! Then that one realizes that he truly evolved from grubby mortality into royalty, which is a condition of assurance and honorable self-respect, in which all the inferior traits, along with self-deception, are eliminated. This is when one has not only applied but literally fulfilled the "law of the angels!" Then from this state of royal awareness one next advances or evolves into the understanding and application of majesty. And from majesty one progresses into divinity.

It is then the fifteen virtues, or perfect jewels, of "Charity," listed in that most famous chapter of First Corinthians, chapter thirteen, are glorified and made manifest right in that individual. AND THOSE VIRTUES OR JEWELS ARE HIS! AND HE IS THEM! All the faults of the sounding brass and of the clanging cymbals of self-display are understood as being the "puffed-up," "unseemly behavior" of those who take it upon themselves to be the ministers of righteousness without first having fulfilled the principles of righteousness within themselves. So it is but the noise of those "Seeking their own" or their rewards of credits and attention as they "vaunt themselves" in an unholy display of acclaim, which is completely "profitless" "for it profiteth them nothing!"

This is the great "iniquity" which Christ will reject and condemn, as well as those who encourage their emotions to go out of control. Emotions out of control IS "iniquity!" And "iniquity" is the lack of "inner quiet" in which one loses all contact with God. Such cannot possibly be directed by Him. The command is: "BE STILL (or quiet) AND KNOW THAT I AM GOD!" In this inner stillness is "The Peace that passeth understanding!" It is when and how and where the power of God is released "TO DO THE WORKS!" "Iniquity," or lack of emotional control, is always a lack of the divine contact with God. And those who work "iniquity" are those who not only keep their own emotions and spirits stirred up, but the emotions of others, in an hysterical display of outward show.

When the Spirit of the Lord is poured out in its fulness only those can be benefited and enlightened who have acquired the majesty of control displayed always by the Lord, Jesus Christ.

Those who give way to hysterical abandon often become temporarily possessed by foreign spirits who speak through them, like the medium who is taken over by some departed or evil spirit.

The noisy ones, with their sounding brass and their clanging cymbals have never learned the divine majesty of spiritual control or emotional stability in which "ALL THINGS BECOME SUBJECT UNTO THEM -- The Life and the Light and THE SPIRIT -- and finally the "POWER" when they have proved themselves qualified and worthy to handle it. Those who go out of control have never learned to love for love itself is the fundamental element of divine control. They may profess their great love but it is only words, for their very fruits deny their claim. "And by their fruits shall you know them!" Not by their display of gifts -- or words -- or demonstrations. The fruits are plainly manifest and the nature of them as the pure, UNFEIGNED love of Christ is manifested in their lives. This love must be real! It must be beautiful and enduring, changing not with every mood or varying condition or situation one is called to face.

Without this divine, perfected degree of love one may perform all the mightiest miracles possible and it will "PROFIT HIM NOTHING!" For "HE IS NOTHING!" (I Cor. 13:2). These are the ones who will stand before Christ, demanding His acknowledgement and He will answer: "Depart from me, ye that work iniquity; I know ye not!"

As love is generated it becomes the fulfilling power of all things. It is the everlasting reality. "It endureth forever!" It is man's glorified robes of divinity. It is perfection -- EVEN AS THE FATHER IN HEAVEN IS PERFECT!"

And he who desires this love until he automatically is praying "with all the energy of heart, or strength, he will become possessed or filled with it -- "AND IT WILL BE WELL WITH HIM!"

And thus, with this love brought forth and perfected right within the individual, he is prepared to "BE BORN OF THE SPIRIT!" This is how so great an accomplishment is achieved. And in no other way!

Christ did not explain the method to Nicodemus. No! It has never before been revealed just how one may attain unto this divine "BIRTH OF THE SPIRIT, so that he can come and go as the wind, and no one will know whence he came or whither he goeth!" (John chapter 3).

But here are the keys -- and here is the method by which one may use those keys. And the door itself is before you! "For you are the door to everything!" (Odes of Solomon 17:10). And only in and through the perfecting of love within you can that door within you be opened.

And so I make an end of the works which I have been instructed to share. And Christ Himself will place the final SEAL upon these records.

And so I bid you all a loving, gracious farewell until we are privileged to meet.


And the blessings of God be multiplied upon you divine, evolving Sons and Daughters of glory!