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Table of Contents for: Beyond Mortal Boundaries by Annalee Skarin →

Chapter XI

The Demon-strators

It is most certainly true that "THE LAW MADE NOTHING PERFECT, but the bringing of a better hope did; by which we draw near to God." (Heb. 7:19).

When Moses returned from Mt. Sinai, with the sacred revelations of God, he found the people had thrown restrictions to the wind defiling themselves in a wild, unrestrained hysteria. Such was the pattern of the heathens and of all the Christians who have not learned to walk with God in a majesty of control and divine power.

Miriam, who was eight years older than Moses and his brother Aaron, who was three years older, assumed the leadership of the people after Moses had been absent longer than they thought proper. Both Miriam and Aaron assumed the responsibility of holding the people together. Then to prove their right to such claims of leadership they began to demonstrate their right of authority. They did it with the most righteous intentions. And those who gave them their support offered it as willingly as they had given their allegiance to Moses.

In the sincerity of their misguided self-ego they began to prove their powers in wild and unseemly demonstrations as they were carried along on a wave of abandon and uncontrolled hysteria. And they became subject to the spirit and not the spirit to them. Whatever power they could have been entrusted with was dissipated and squandered. It was wasted and a spirit of self-acclaim and self-righteousness gained possession of them as they abandoned themselves to be used by the forces of darkness. As their ego-selves responded to the momentary power they thought they were being edified by.

This is still a weakness of mankind today. And there are churches which still encourage such heathen, unseemly displays, not realizing that the Power of God is only manifested in divine majesty. Many think they are being led by the spirit as they hit the high pinnacle of an uncontrolled hilarity of spirit. But the road they travel is the road that is dictated by the little personal-ego self as it gloats in the supposed greatness of itself. And these misguided ones are on that broad, open Path that leads to destruction, because they will die as their leaders before them have died and gone into the grave. This is but one of the roads of that broad, open way that leads to destruction.

And as those who are carried aloft on the tide of the wave of a false exhilaration soon find themselves down at the very bottom and wallowing in the depths of despondency. Their emotions are like the rising and falling of a "yo-yo". This condition is not of God, this false exhilaration, this shouting and uncontrolled manifestation. It is only the little ego-self demonstrating its own imagined importance.

And so were the Israelites of long ago led astray by the outward show of shouted acclamations. When Moses returned to find all of Israel swept along on this false tide of heathen worship he dropped the sacred plates which God had engraved with His finger and they were shattered.

They had constructed a golden calf as they had offered their treasures to the Lord. The calf was to symbolize their devotion and their love. It was supposed to represent the symbol of their adoration. But almost immediately the symbol became the reality and they were worshipping the golden calf. In their wild abandon they were led completely astray, even as many professing Christians have been today.

God threatened to destroy the whole nation but Moses pleaded mightily for them. Finally, he said, "If they be destroyed, Lord, destroy me with them." And it was through Moses' pleading that Israel was given another chance and Moses was given the responsibility of getting them back into disciplined order and control.

The power of Moses, which was neither squandered nor dissipated, must have been terrific. He got the people back into line, then pounding their golden calf into dust he made them drink it in their water. Under the power of God their shouting acclamations and contorting were revealed to be but the noise of profanity.

After the people were brought to repentance and given an understanding of the power of God, Moses returned to Mt. Sinai.

Again Moses fasted forty days and forty nights as he waited on the Mountain top for God to reveal again the pattern for the people to accept and to live by. And according to the perfect translation of the record, it states: "And God wrote with His finger as He had done before, yet NOT as He had done before." The first time God had given the people an unfolding of the great and mighty PROMISES under which the Patriarchs had lived, through FAITH! The second time He did not write as He had done before. He wrote upon those two stone tablets the Ten Commandments -- or the law. "And the Law came because of transgression!" (Gal. 3:19).

The glorious PROMISES of perfection and the Way of their fulfillment were withheld. And because of the wickedness of the people they were restrained under the law. And they have been under this restraint until this present day. "But the law made no man perfect." And the law is for the wicked. Yet in this day of gross wickedness, this evil generation cannot even abide by the law.

In Galatians we are informed that the law is not of FAITH and that no man is justified by the law, but the law was given because of wickedness. We are also told that Abraham and the Patriarchs of old lived not by the law but by the PROMISES, through FAITH. Then we are informed in Galatians 5:14, that all the law is fulfilled in one word, "LOVE". And the information is plainly revealed that anyone who perfects love is no longer under the law. Or, as Christ so perfectly revealed the power and meaning of the First and Second Great Commandments, that any who lived these two wonderful laws had fulfilled ALL the laws and the prophets. So in perfecting love one passes from under the iron rod of the law and goes on unto perfection, as Paul admonished in Heb. 6:1-2.

Then is given this holy information in Galatians, chapter five, verse eighteen: "If ye be led of the Spirit, ye are not under the law." This "led of the Spirit" does not mean to be tossed about in any unseemly manner or in physical contortions or wordy displays as the spirit is permitted to rule until it goes completely out of bounds as it did with the children of Israel. The Spirit leads one gently and lovingly into the pattern of pure perfection as one learns to hold the spirit in subjection. Then only can one be given POWER! If one has not learned to hold the Spirit in control, by divine discipline and holy majesty, the power is squandered. It is dissipated and utterly wasted except for the feeling of the pride-filled little ego. The POWER can never be truly held by those who are always demonstrating the supposed greatness of their own little, mortal ego-selves.

Then Paul says, (Gal. 5:19): "Now the works of the flesh are these:" And Paul explains what the works of the flesh are and to his list is to be understood that any unseemly demonstrations that shame the majesty and the divinity of God's power are included. In verse twenty-two Paul explains that the fruits of the Spirit, are love, joy, peace, longsuffering, gentleness, goodness, FAITH, meekness, temperance, AGAINST SUCH THERE IS NO LAW." And we are told definitely that man will be known by his fruits not by his gifts.

This word "MEEKNESS" is such a powerful word and so little understood. It does not mean one who is a groveling, unassertive person, cringing and fearful. It means one of those dynamic persons who will inherit the earth! Meekness is POWER! It is the Power to hold one's eyes single to the glory of God, one who can glorify God under any and all conditions and circumstances as thanks is rendered in all things. It is a person clothed in the majestic, beautiful robe of humility as the individual seeks to glorify God instead of his own little, ugly, mortal-self.

This Straight and Narrow Way is no place for those seeking to exalt themselves or who are possessed with the unholy spirit of demon-stration. This sacred Pathway of Light and glory can only be traveled by those of perfected love and deep humility. "By their works ye shall know them,” not by their words. When their prophecies fail and their words remain empty and unfilled all men will become aware that they are only demon-strators of the ego-self and not of God.

"Thus saith the Lord God; Woe unto the foolish prophets, that follow their own spirit, and have seen nothing!" (Ezek. 13:3).

And so I have been instructed to include this warning that none be deluded by the false acclamations of the demonstrators. Seek rather to KNOW GOD for yourselves. Let God alone be your Teacher. Let none block your way by their self-importance no matter how awesome or righteous they may declare themselves to be.

When John, the Beloved, was going to get down upon his knees to worship and adore the Angel of Revelation, he was commanded: "See thou do it not. I am thy fellow servant --" etc. Yet there are mere mortals who stand brazenly forth demanding acclaim from all they meet. They not only expect homage, they demand it, even while their hands are empty.

As one fulfills the First and Second great Commandments he fulfills ALL the laws and the prophets. He is no longer under the bondage of the laws, which were formed for and apply to the wicked. He had moved up into the realm of the Patriarchs, and begins to live by and to fulfill the powerful wonder of the principle of FAITH.

Returning again to the gifts of the Spirit: "TEMPERATE” means to refrain from any fanaticism in anything, but rather let wisdom choose and rule in a mildness of gentle Love and Peace. "Against such there is no law!"

None can boast or brag along this glorious Pathway of Light! Those who do only block their own way with their little, mortal selves.

Anyone who declares boastingly that he is foremost on the divine, holy pathway is standing still as others pass him by. He may think he is traveling, but like one standing near a railroad track watches a train going by and begins to feel that the train is standing still and he is advancing though he has remained motionless. Such is the condition of the one who boasts and prophesies in his own mortal weaknesses, believing he has more gifts and powers than any other and therefore assumes he is nearest to the throne of God.

Anyone who thinks he is above and beyond all others is not on the sacred, holy Pathway at all. He is only off in a little whirlpool of his own.

These boasting, self-acclaiming ones are known as "demonstrators" as they perform in uncontrolled abandon, with the ego-self taking charge. Those who permit the spirit to take over in such abandon are working under the darkness of deception and are also deceiving those who yield themselves to stand before them in awe.

Do not follow such. Do not lend them your ear or your attention. Pray for them and pass on. Such are not on the sacred Pathway of holy Glory. They are but rushing along that broad, wide path that leads to destruction and death -- and realize it not. But so have thousands before them followed like sheep into the grave.

No one so sacredly endowed with the power to perform miracles ever went forth proclaiming it. Imagine Peter and John, after healing the man at the temple gate, going forth boasting about it. Or imagine Christ ever boasting of either His powers or accomplishments. And so often He warned those who were healed not to boast of it. Rather he said, "Go thy way and tell no man."

"Charity (or the pure love of Christ) suffereth long, and is kind; charity envieth not; charity vaunteth not itself, IS NOT PUFFED UP, doth not behave UNSEEMLY!" It does not go into UNSEEMLY contortions or loud shouting. It is always majestic and under strict, divine control. It never behaves itself in an UNSEEMLY, repulsive manner.

Anyone who fulfills the First and Great Commandment will also have fulfilled the Second One. No one who loves with ALL HIS MIND could possibly think an evil, unkind thought against a living soul. In fact, "his mind and lips would have lost the power to hurt and wound, and his voice will be heard among the Gods!" He will have fulfilled ALL THE LAWS and the prophets and will no longer be under the laws or the Prophets. He will have moved into the PROMISES OF ALMIGHTY GOD, even as the ancient Patriarchs.

Such a one will become clothed in Light instead of in his own mortal nakedness. He will need none to teach him. Neither will he need any to prophesy over him. And God Himself will be his Teacher as he enters that Straight and Narrow Way that leads to LIFE ETERNAL!

This Straight and Narrow Path is so sacred and so holy and so filled with the POWER and the LIGHT of God that anyone who would assume to take over leadership or to display any degree of self-importance will be left behind in his own darkness.

Some of those who seek to display their imagined importance are often dangerously deadly, in that they are only standing at the wide, broad path that leads to destruction, enticing all who listen to them to enter therein. Such will deceive the very elect if possible.

Shortly the keys of DISCERNMENT will be revealed so that none need to be deceived. And the main safeguard against such is to keep a constant prayer of praise and love and gratitude singing in the soul. This glorious devotion keeps one in tune with God. And the word is: "My sheep hear My voice and they know Me, and a stranger they will not follow!"

Some of these deceiving ones are deceiving themselves most of all. They may believe they are at the very journey's end and are waiting to be invited to sit with Christ upon His throne, and realize not that they have never set one foot upon the sacred Path.

Any UNSEEMLY act or repulsive demonstrating is but the little, ego-self bearing witness of itself. Only majesty is carried by those who are truly on this Holy Path that leads to Life Eternal!

If one loves his neighbor as himself that ugly, evil egoself is automatically OVERCOME in the great, glorious, triumphant OVERCOMING.

Those who permit themselves to become afflicted with the deadly "I DISEASE" will soon become completely blind as they go rushing headlong along that wide, broad path that leads to destruction. They are the blind, leading the blind as they shout forth their imagined instructions. These can never be taught simply because they already think they KNOW IT ALL. They cannot even LISTEN to anything except their own words as they continue to reiterate their own experiences and proclaim their own importance. If they do not humble themselves then God will humble them, in time, and it will be a great, public humiliating experience as they are invited down.

Those who travel the divine Highway of Light live in the present, not in the past. They do not drag the past along with them in their tedious recitals of ancient memories. They leave the past behind, for "he who looks back is not fit for the Kingdom."

If a past experience is ever repeated it must be used only to illustrate some lesson or to prove some point, but never in self-acclaim or in boasting, or deadly repetition. The dividing line between bragging, self-exalting and humble sharing is so fine the wicked cannot possibly detect the difference as they rush along their broad, open way to destruction.

In I. Cor. 14, Paul gives this beautiful picture of the gifts, saying: "He that speaks in tongues edifies himself, but the church is unedified." He also states that he would rather speak five words with his understanding, that by his voice he might teach others, than speak ten thousand words in an unknown tongue. He states that tongues were to be for a sign to unbelievers and not to them that believe.

Then Paul stated, that though "he had spoken in tongues more than they all," yet he recommend that they be held in restraint at meetings. And here it must be explained that Paul traveled in his missionary labors from Jerusalem through Greece. Rome and all the countries between there and ancient Briton, where many areas and languages were unknown to him. There are records in the British Museum proving such travels. And in order to converse with these many peoples he was given the gift of tongues that he might testify of Jesus Christ, Son of the Living God, of His crucifixion and of His resurrection from the dead. This is why Paul spoke in tongues more than they all, because it was needed.

Beware of those who go into physical contortions or UNSEEMLY displays or who raise their voices to a high-pitched, rasping tone in their testifying or praying. The power of God is FELT, not necessarily heard, except as one's tones become richer and deeper as the power of God bears witness in a divine majesty of holiness. The Spirit of God is only manifest in glory and beauty and peace and divine majestic Power as the individual who receives such an outpouring holds himself under complete control. Then only can he possibly be a bearer of POWER.

Now, concerning the outpouring of the Spirit of God upon all flesh: "And ye shall know that I am in the midst of Israel, and that I am the Lord your God, and none else: AND MY PEOPLE SHALL NEVER BE ASHAMED.

"And it shall come to pass afterward, that I will pour out my Spirit upon all flesh; and your sons and your daughters shall prophesy, your old men shall dream dreams, and your young men shall see visions:

"And also upon the servants and the handmaids in those days will I pour out my Spirit.

"And I will show wonders in the heavens and in the earth, blood and fire, and pillars of smoke.

"The sun shall be turned into darkness, and the moon into blood, before the great and terrible day of the Lord comes.

"And it shall come to pass, that whosoever shall call on the name of the Lord shall be delivered." (Joel 2:27-32). The sun to be darkened is also recorded in Joel 3:15; Isaiah 24:23; Matt. 24:29; Mark 13:24).

The word or name "ISRAEL" means literally "Men (or children) of Light and love."

And the promise of the Spirit of the Lord being poured out upon ALL flesh is the full preparation for those who are to be "Born of the Spirit that they can come and go as the wind" to give protection and service to those who have not yet fulfilled all righteousness. And only the righteous will so respond to the glorifying rays of the Spirit of Almighty God. The wicked will be in no way prepared to respond to this purifying light and they will lift up their voices and curse God and die, as is revealed in Rev., chapter sixteen and Isaiah 30:26.

Now, this must be made clear: When the righteous respond to the powerful rays of that released Spirit of God, according to the foregoing prophesy of Joel, there will be no wild, hysterical abandon in their actions or reactions. They will prophesy and glorify God in a power of humble majesty and in perfect control.

God's Almighty Power can only be made manifest in those who have brought the Light and the Life and the Spirit and the Power into subjection as it is released through them to glorify God instead of themselves.

This prophecy of Joel's first informs us that those who are of Israel, or who are men of light and love, are taken into God's special care and will be enfolded in His Power -- and will never be ashamed.

Then comes the intensified pouring out of His Spirit upon ALL flesh. Next comes the signs in the heavens and in the earth, followed by the sun being darkened and the moon being turned to blood, or appearing deep red in color.

And after these things comes "THE GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD". "For then shall be great tribulation, such as was not since the beginning of the world to this time, no, nor ever shall be. And except those days shall be shortened there shall be no flesh saved; but for the elect's sake those days shall be shortened." (Matt. 24:21-22).

Only in deepest trust and love and divine control can one be prepared to be "Born of the Spirit, that he can come and go as the wind" to render service wheresoever he is directed. And such as these are no longer classified as being of "FLESH” for they are so filled with the Spirit of Almighty God their very flesh has become spiritualized, else they could not have been born of the Spirit. These will never be ashamed nor dismayed nor distressed nor injured by those great tribulations which will be poured out without measure during this "GREAT AND DREADFUL DAY OF THE LORD."

Those who are "Born of the Spirit" will be spared for they will be immune to the things that afflict the flesh. "And they shall be mine, saith the Lord of hosts, in that day when I make up my jewels; and I will spare them as a man spareth his own son that serveth him. Then shall ye return, and discern between the righteous and the wicked, between him that serveth God and him that serveth him not."

This glorious "Birth of the Spirit, this complete control is best described by the NEW SONG, which none but the righteous can learn. None but the righteous can learn this sacred, powerful, dynamic Song because it cannot be uttered in words or by music, or in boasting, noisy, uncontrolled acclaim. It is a SILENT SONG of inward rejoicing of released "Glory to God" that arises from the depths of one's soul, in vibrations so powerful and so high no music or words on earth could ever express it. They could only defile it and squander and dissipate the power of its everlasting, purifying glory of Spiritual perfection and complete fulfillment.

In silence only is Power generated and held. The New Song is a song of everlasting Power, released in SILENCE as the full VIBRATIONS OF THE SPIRIT OF ALMIGHTY GOD ARE RELEASED THROUGH ONE'S BEING. This New Song is the Song of TRIUMPHANT OVERCOMING as the flesh is overcome and all that pertains to it.

Even the "Life more abundant" is contained in the singing glory of that "NEW SONG" of Eternal triumph -- the Song of OVERCOMING as one uses the great Christ vibrations of Praise and Love and Gratitude as he spiritualizes himself to receive the full glory of the "Birth of the Spirit, that he can come and go as the wind” in a selflessness of service beyond words or demonstrations or self-acclaim.


I watched those high ones, from the side,

As they came riding on the tide,

Placing themselves upon the crest

With their heads held high, above the rest,

Demanding others to bear them along

As they sang their own self-righteous song

Of self-importance and self-acclaim --

The highest seats their only aim!

They demanded their place at the top of the wave --

Proclaiming their calling was to save

As they stepped on the shoulder and ground 'neath their tread

The ones from whom they gouged their bread!

Proud and haughty! The high seats theirs,

As they mouthed their great, self-righteous prayers!

They exalted themselves on the pinnacle high

As the wave they rode reached toward the sky!

Momentum increasing as it neared the land

The wave crashed over the rocks and sand!

And the topmost crest was hurled out wide --

While the wave returned on its ebbing tide.

And the far-flung and those whose claim

Was the highest seats and demand for fame

Were left to crawl on their hands and knees

Slowly back to the depths of the seas!

By Nansela Mathews